Memoranda of understanding
Defines the responsibilities, respective obligations of parties and the working arrangements of interagency cooperation and communication.
- Office of Industrial Relations and Queensland Police Service (PDF, 0.36 MB)
- Office of Industrial Relations and the Queensland Police Service and the Department of Transport and Main Roads (PDF, 4.15 MB)
- Department of Infrastructure Local Government and Planning and Office of Industrial Relations (PDF, 5.45 MB)
- Queensland Building and Construction Commission and the Office of Industrial Relations, Queensland Treasury (PDF, 2.59 MB)
- Queensland Health and others and the Department of Justice and Attorney-General on public health risks from Legionella (PDF, 0.55 MB)
- Commissioner for Children and Young People and Child Guardian and Department of Justice and Attorney-General (PDF, 0.07 MB)
- Management of zoonotic incidents (PDF, 1.06 MB)
- Safety in the rail industry (PDF, 5.87 MB)
- Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator (PDF, 1.65 MB)
- Queensland Treasury (Office of Industrial Relations) and WorkCover Queensland (PDF, 3.71 MB)
- Resources Safety and Health Queensland and Office of Industrial Relations (PDF, 3.95 MB)
- Department of Education and the Department of Transport and Main Roads (PDF, 2.13 MB)
- Fair Work Building & Construction and the Office of Industrial Relations (PDF, 1.88 MB)
- Office of Industrial Relations, Department of Justice and Attorney-General and the Clean Energy Council (PDF, 0.31 MB)
- Office of Industrial Relations and Australian Maritime Safety Authority (PDF, 0.56 MB)
- Department of Justice and Attorney-General and Department of Immigration and Citizenship (PDF, 1.7 MB)
- Queensland Fire Department and Electrical Safety Office (PDF, 1.01 MB)
- Queensland Fire Department and Workplace Health and Safety Queensland (PDF, 0.71 MB)