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Managing respirable dust hazards in coal-fired power stations Code of Practice 2023

Following a technical review, the Managing respirable dust hazards in coal-fired power stations code of practice 2023 (the Code) (PDF, 0.88 MB) commenced as an approved code of practice under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 on 3 December 2023.

The Code is a practical guide on how to manage health and safety risks associated with respirable dust hazards at coal-fired power stations.

The Code replaces the now expired Managing respirable dust hazards in coal-fired power stations Code of Practice 2018, with revised content including:

  • updated foreword, with clarification on terminology (‘must’ and ‘should’) in relation to the safety standard set by the Code
  • technical corrections in relation to revised workplace exposure standards, including new charts
  • addition of a single sample exceedance result (SSER) reporting form to the appendices.

Following the commencement of nationally agreed amendments to the WHS Regulation regarding crystalline silica processes (including coal as a crystalline silica substance), a full review of the Managing respirable dust hazards in coal-fired power stations Code of Practice 2023 involving stakeholder consultation will be undertaken.