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Conditions of Office – Hazardous Area or High Voltage Accredited Auditors

The Regulator has appointed you to act in the capacity of an accredited auditor under Part 10 of the Electrical Safety Act 2002. You hold office on the basis that you comply with these conditions.

  1. The Regulator reserves the right to add or alter these conditions of office.
  2. An accredited auditor must be active in conducting audits in Queensland under the jurisdiction of the Electrical Safety Act 2002 to retain the accreditation.
  3. When carrying out audit related functions accredited auditors are at all times subject to the reasonable direction of the Regulator.
  4. An accredited auditor must maintain their skills, knowledge, and abilities in relation to their work as an accredited auditor for the duration of their appointment.
  5. The accredited auditor must have appropriate types and levels of insurance for all work performed under the appointment.
  6. The accredited auditor must act responsibly by conducting themselves in a professional manner, and demonstrating respect for all persons, clients, or members of the public. Accredited auditors have an obligation to abide by the Queensland Public Service Code of Conduct
  7. An accredited auditor must advise the Regulator of changes in work-related contact details, including address, telephone, or email contact details, within 14 days of the change. The accredited auditor, in providing work-related contact details, consents to their details being made publicly available.
  8. The accredited auditor shall not display, use, reference, promote or quote their accredited auditor credentials on any material/advertisement for work that does not relate to their role as an accredited auditor under the Electrical Safety Act 2002 or the Electrical Safety Regulation 2013.
  9. In accordance with the Electrical Safety Act 2002 section 132, an accredited auditor must produce their identity card on request when performing a function of an accredited auditor.
  10. The accredited auditor must prepare an audit report and retain a copy of the report and evidence supporting the auditor’s decision for at least five (5) years.
  11. The accredited auditor must certify the results of all audits by signing and issuing a certificate in the approved and or recommended format. All accredited auditors who are part of an audit team must sign the certificate.
  12. An accredited auditor may be subject to monitoring and review by the Regulator during the performance and/or following an audit/inspection to ensure compliance with accreditation terms and conditions.
  13. The accredited auditor must give the Regulator (or delegate of the Regulator) any information which the Regulator (or delegate) reasonably requires regarding work performed by the accredited auditor.
  14. In accordance with the Electrical Safety Act 2002 section 136A, an accredited auditor must provide information or a document the regulator reasonably requires to satisfy the regulator the accredited auditor:
    1. continues to be appropriately qualified; or
    2. continues to satisfy the conditions of office.
  15. Accredited auditors must have a documented conflict management process and are to actively identify, manage and document any conflicts of interest or perceived conflicts of interest.
  16. The accredited auditor is responsible for managing complaints against their work or conduct as an accredited auditor and should have their own complaints management process.
  17. Fees payable for audit services are a commercial transaction between the accredited auditor and the business entity and not a matter for the Office of Industrial Relations.
  18. Obtaining work as an accredited auditor is subject to market forces associated with the competitive marketplace. Accredited auditors are responsible for their own marketing decisions.
  19. The accredited auditor is responsible for employment decisions and the management of all conflicts of interest, privacy issues and confidentiality of intellectual property when working for multiple companies.
  20. In accordance with the Electrical Safety Act 2002 section 134, the Regulator may suspend or revoke an accredited auditor’s appointment at any time. A person whose interests are affected by this decision may apply for a review of the decision or appeal the decision in accordance with the Electrical Safety Act 2002 part 12.
  21. In accordance with the Electrical Safety Act 2002 section 135, an accredited auditor may resign by submitting a signed notice to the regulator.
  22. An accredited auditor must advise the Regulator of any changes that may affect their ability to act in the capacity of an accredited auditor.
  23. In accordance with the Electrical Safety Act 2002 section 136, a person who ceases to be an accredited auditor must return the person’s identity card to the Regulator within 21 days of ceasing to be an accredited auditor. It is an offence for a person who is not an accredited auditor to, in any way, hold himself or herself out to be an accredited auditor.
  24. Unless the accredited auditor ceases to hold office, the term of office is for three (3) years from the date of appointment listed on the ‘Instrument of Appointment’.
  25. In the case of an initial connection to the source of electricity of a high voltage installation or an electrical installation located in a hazardous area, the accredited auditor must, prior to issuing a certificate, confirm the electrical installation has been tested to ensure it is electrically safe, and is in accordance with the requirements of Australian/New Zealand Standard 3000 (the Wiring Rules) and any other applicable standard applying under the Electrical Safety Regulation 2013 to the electrical installation.
  26. In the case of a proposed connection or reconnection to a source of electricity after electrical installation work or electric line work (the electrical work) has been performed to a high voltage installation or an electrical installation located in a hazardous area , the accredited auditor must, prior to issuing a certificate, inspect the electrical work and confirm the electrical installation, to the extent it is affected by the electrical work, has been tested to ensure it is electrically safe, and is in accordance with the requirements of the Wiring Rules and any other applicable standard applying under the Electrical Safety Regulation 2013 to the electrical installation.
  27. To undertake work as a hazardous areas or high voltage installations accredited auditor, the accredited auditor must have maintained independence from the:
    1. For Hazardous areas
      1. Classification of the hazardous area.
      2. Design of the electrical installation in the hazardous area (including selection/specifying the electrical equipment).
      3. iii. Installation of the electrical equipment associated with the hazardous area.
    2. For High voltage installations
      1. Design of the high voltage electrical installation (including selection/ specifying the electrical equipment).
      2. Installation of electrical equipment associated with the high voltage installation.
  28. This condition does not limit the accredited auditor’s ability to audit the design stage of the process and/or provide information on relevant legislation, standards, or codes of practice.

  29. Written notification detailing the outcome of the inspection must be supplied to the owner/occupier of the hazardous area or high voltage installation or their representative. A copy of this information should also be provided to the licensed electrical contractor responsible for connection.
  30. An accredited auditor can advise the Regulator of the incidence of a dangerous electrical event in a hazardous area or a high voltage installation by phoning 1300 365 128 or by visiting the WorkSafe Queensland website via the link below. Note: A person in control of a business or undertaking (PCBU) must report notifiable events within three days of becoming aware of the event or incident.
  31. An accredited auditor must complete the Accredited auditor inspection summary and provide to the Regulator within 28 days of final inspection.
  32. Accredited auditors are to treat all findings and reports made during the inspection as confidential to the Regulator and the electrical installation’s owner/occupier or their representative.
  33. Accredited auditor’s processes are to be consistent with the current version of the hazardous areas and high voltage accredited auditor operational requirements.