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Exemptions to the regulation

The Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 allows the regulator to grant an exemption from compliance with any provision of the Regulation.

When considering granting an exemption, the regulator will have regard for whether the alternative agreed course of action would provide at least an equivalent level of health and safety to that achieved by complying with the Work Health and Safety Regulation.

The three types of exemptions that may be granted are:

  • general exemptions
  • high risk work licence exemptions
  • major hazard facility exemptions.

The regulator may grant an exemption to a specific person or to a class of persons.

Nationally agreed principles

Australian state and territory regulators have agreed to national principles for granting exemptions from requirements in the WHS Regulation. The principles will guide the granting, refusal, amendment or cancellation of an exemption by Workplace Health and Safety Queensland.

An application for an exemption must be made in writing. For more information about general exemptions, please call 1300 362 128.

Current exemptions

The Globally Harmonised System for the Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (the GHS) commenced in Queensland on 1 January 2017.

A five year period was provided to allow manufacturers and importers to transition to the new labelling system GHS. The previous labelling requirements are outlined in the National Code of Practice for the Labelling of Workplace Substances [NOHSC: 2012 (1994)] (NOHSC) or the Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail, 7th Edition approved by the Australian Transport Council (ADG Code).

Due to concerns about non-GHS labelled stock in the supply chain on 1 January 2017 a number of exemptions are required to ensure a safe, fair and smooth transition from the NOHSC and ADG Code labelling requirements to the GHS labelling requirements.

Supplier exemption

This exemption applies to the class of persons to whom section 338 of the WHS Regulation applies (the 'supplier').

Under section 338 of the WHS Regulation the supplier must not supply a hazardous chemical to another workplace if the supplier knows or ought reasonably to know that the hazardous chemical is not correctly labelled under section 335.

Under this exemption suppliers can continue to supply non-GHS labelled hazardous chemicals manufactured or imported before 1 January 2017 provided the chemicals are labelled in accordance with the NOHSC or the ADG Code.

PCBU ('end user') exemption

This exemption applies to the class of persons to whom section 341(2) of the WHS Regulation applies (i.e. the person conducting the business or undertaking who is an 'end user').

This exemption allows PCBUs or end-users to continue to use, store and handle non-GHS labelled hazardous chemicals manufactured or imported before 1 January 2017 and labelled in accordance with the NOHSC or the ADG Code.

The prohibition of engineered stone benchtops, panels and slabs (engineered stone) commenced on 1 July 2024.

Subject to conditions, a two year exemption from the prohibition under section 529D has been granted to allow PCBUs to re-install engineered stone where it has been temporarily removed in order for other work to be undertaken at the premises.

This exemption allows a PCBU to undertake processing to make minor modifications to enable reinstallation of the engineered stone, and repairs, due to any damage caused during the removal or minor modification process.

Any processing undertaken while uninstalled must be no more significant than would be already permitted under section 529F(a)(iii) of the WHS Regulation. If processing is required it must be controlled in accordance with section 529B and notification provided, consistent with the requirements under Chapter 8A, Part 8A.4 of the WHS Regulation.

This exemption took effect on 13 January 2025 and is in effect until 12 January 2027, unless amended or cancelled sooner.

Class exemption—notification of licensed asbestos removal work due to flooding or severe weather conditions

The regulator has granted a class exemption to remove the requirement for licensed asbestos removalists to notify the regulator before carrying out licensed asbestos removal work if the work is necessary due to flooding or severe weather conditions (section 466, WHS Regulation).

The exemption helps to minimise the community’s risk of exposure to asbestos fibres by allowing asbestos containing material that is damaged during severe weather events and poses an imminent risk to the community if it is not immediately removed, to be removed without the delay of waiting five days after providing written notice of the removal.

The ability to rely on the exemption does not continue indefinitely after a flood or severe weather event and work undertaken months after the severe weather event (i.e. through insurance claims) does not benefit from the exemption, as it is expected that providing five days written notice is practicable in those circumstances.

Where asbestos is removed urgently under the exemption and the licensed asbestos removalist is unable to notify the regulator before carrying out licensed asbestos removal work, written notification should be provided using Form 65 – Notification of licensed asbestos removal work/demolition work/emergency demolition as soon as practicable afterwards.

This class exemption took effect on 16 March 2023 and is in effect until 15 March 2028 unless amended or cancelled sooner.

House removal companies seeking to relocate houses containing asbestos may apply to the regulator for an exemption from the prohibition on transportation of asbestos containing material (ACM).

To date, the regulator has granted exemptions to individual businesses with the exemption being subject to strict conditions to ensure the risks are managed properly.

Find out more about House relocations—asbestos exemptions (PDF, 0.23 MB) under the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 .

Class exemptionusing high-pressure water spray inside underground asbestos sewer pipes

The regulator has granted a class exemption to allow local governments that own water supply or sewerage infrastructure and are registered as a water service provider, water distributor-retailers, and contractors for each of these entities, to use high-pressure water spray on the inside of underground asbestos sewer pipe infrastructure when the sewer lines are blocked or need repair (section 446, WHS Regulation). The regulator has imposed strict conditions on the exemption to ensure appropriate controls are in place to eliminate or minimise the risk of exposure to airborne asbestos.

This class exemption took effect on 11 February 2025 and is in effect until 11 February 2030, unless amended or cancelled sooner. Exemption holders may contact Queensland Water Directorate for more information about this exemption.

The following class exemptions have been converted into a permanent arrangement under amendments made to the WHS Regulation that came into effect on 14 November 2013:

  • Intermediate boiler operators are exempt from upgrading to an advance licence class when performing the same class of high risk work that was previously performed under the intermediate licence class.
  • Certain inflatable amusement devices are exempt from design and item registration and annual inspections.
  • Operators with a bridge and gantry crane (remote) certificate are exempt from holding a dogging licence to sling their own loads.