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Other work licence/permit application types

Apply for other types of work licences or permits.

You may be eligible for an electrical work licence if any of the following apply:

  • you previously held a Queensland electrical work licence that expired over 12 months ago*
  • you completed an apprenticeship in Queensland more than three years ago
  • you hold:
    • a current Queensland electrical work licence and wish to apply for an additional class on that licence
    • an Offshore Technical Skills Record (OTSR)
    • a tradesperson's certificate
    • a certificate of proficiency
    • a certificate or qualification obtained through an apprenticeship completed outside of Queensland.

* You will be required to make an application, and pay an application fee.

You will need to provide the following information:

  • details of any previous work licence history
  • your current contact details.

You will also need to confirm that you have been trained in resuscitation (CPR) within the last twelve months.

You are not required to supply a copy of your CPR certificate with your application but may be required to provide it later for auditing purposes.

If you are applying for an electrical linesperson licence you will also need to confirm that you have been trained in pole-top or transmission tower rescue (PTR) within the last twelve months. You are not required to supply a copy of your PTR certificate with your application but may be required to provide it later for auditing purposes.

You must submit a full and complete application. Incomplete or incorrect applications may result in delays in obtaining your licence or may be considered withdrawn. Some of your application fee may be retained to offset administrative costs.

Some applicants may need to undertake additional training and may be issued with a twelve month electrical work training permit. Electrical work training permits are issued to allow licence applicants to complete additional training with a registered training organisation (RTO) to obtain their electrical work licence.

Apply for a Queensland electrical work licence

Further information