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  • Incident alert

    Fatal incident during cane harvesting operations

    In a recent farm incident, two heavy vehicle cane haulage trucks collided, which resulted in the fatalities of both drivers.

  • Incident alert

    Worker seriously injured by meat processing machine

    A worker sustained a serious injury when they were struck by a part of a centrifuge used to process meat products.

  • Incident alert

    Traffic incident involving motor vehicle

    In a tragic incident, a child was fatally injured after being struck by a motor vehicle at a public event.

  • Incident alert

    Worker injured after refrigerator fall

    In 2024 a young worker sustained spinal injuries when struck by a refrigerator. The worker was loading a commercial refrigerator onto a trolley when the worker lost balance of the refrigerator, and it fell on to him.

  • Incident alert

    Worker injured after fall through roof

    A worker sustained an injury in a recent incident when they fell through the roof of an industrial building. It appears they stepped on a plastic roof sheet whilst performing restoration work and fell six metres to the floor.

  • Incident alert

    Two separate fatalities involving side-by-side vehicles

    A worker was fatally injured when the side-by-side vehicle he was using on a rural property overturned and crushed him. In a separate incident, workers were engaged in cattle mustering using a side-by-side vehicle as well as other mobile plant. A steer broke free of the herd and a worker attempted to round it up using the side-by-side vehicle. Whilst doing this the vehicle has tipped and come to rest on its left side trapping the worker and causing fatal injuries. In a separate incident, a young worker was seriously injured after they were struck by a wood chipper trailer. Early investigations indicate the worker had been assisting with the retrieval of the wood chipper after truck it was attached to became bogged.

  • Incident alert

    Fatal incident resulting from electric shock injuries

    Earlier this year, an electrical worker received a fatal electric shock while upgrading a split air-conditioning system located on the metal roof of a commercial building. The worker had completed the installation of the compressor unit, mounted the base of the isolating switch, and re-routed several thermoplastic-sheathed cable (TPS) cables into the switch enclosure.

  • Incident alert

    Worker killed in elevating work platform rollover

    In a recent incident, a worker suffered fatal head injuries when a scissor lift type elevated work platform (EWP) fell over. Early investigations found the EWPs platform jammed in an extended position. The EWP was at a height of approximately 8 to 9 metres and was undergoing retrieval maintenance by a technician, when for reasons yet to be identified the EWP has unexpectedly become unstable and tipped. As a result, the operator who was on the platform when the EWP tipped sustained fatal injuries.

  • Workplace health and safety alert

    Patrons ejected from amusement ride

    In a recent incident involving a Joy Whizzer amusement ride, two patrons received serious injuries when they were ejected after the gondola’s patron restraint and floor fell away.

  • Incident alert

    Mechanic crushed under prime mover

    In a recent incident, a mechanic suffered serious injuries after being crushed by the wheel of a prime mover. Early investigations indicate the mechanic had climbed underneath the broken down truck to prepare it for towing. It appears while he was underneath the truck, it unexpectedly moved forward, resulting in one of the prime mover’s wheels crushing him.

  • Workplace health and safety alert

    Working near, or on, tip trucks and tipper trailers

    The purpose of this safety alert is to highlight the risk of crushing or fatal injuries due to overturning tip trucks, tipper trailers or uncontrolled movement of tipper trays. The term “tipper” will be used to describe tip trucks and dump trucks that operate on and off road and includes trailer tippers. All tippers, including those that tip in line with the truck body and side tippers, are covered by this alert.

  • Incident alert

    Two incidents involving young workers and trailers

    Recently, a young worker was fatality injured when a trailer separated from a towing vehicle pinning them between the trailer and a structure. Early investigations indicate the worker was assisting with spotting the trailer while it was being reversed down an incline. For reasons yet to be established, the trailer became separated from the towing vehicle. In a separate incident, a young worker was seriously injured after they were struck by a wood chipper trailer. Early investigations indicate the worker had been assisting with the retrieval of the wood chipper after truck it was attached to became bogged.