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  • Incident alert

    Worker struck by truck body tray

    In June 2022, a worker suffered serious facial and other injuries after being struck by a truck body tray that unexpectedly tipped towards him. Initial enquires indicate he was preparing the truck body tray, which was on trestles, for spray painting inside a booth. The worker was cleaning the top of a toolbox mounted on one side of the truck body tray and it appears the tray tipped and struck him. He subsequently fell on the concrete floor. Investigations are continuing.

  • Incident alert

    Worker seriously injured after fall from a ladder

    In May 2022, a worker sustained significant injuries after falling from a ladder. Early investigations indicate he was assisting with the installation of roofing sheets on a house renovation. For reasons yet to be established, the worker fell from the ladder suffering fractured ribs, a scratched diaphragm and other injuries.

  • Incident alert

    Workers killed by mobile plant

    In July 2022, a worker died after being hit by a moving water truck. The man was part of a crew working on a development road. Early investigations indicate he was struck when the water truck was reversing. In June 2022, a skid steer loader was spreading gravel onto a residential driveway when for reasons yet to be established, it struck and killed a person who was close by. Investigations are ongoing.

  • Incident alert

    Worker fatally struck by vehicle

    In May 2022, a station hand was trapped between the vehicle he’d been driving and an access gate. Early investigations found the worker was checking water bores when he arrived at an access gate. It appears he put the work supplied four-wheel drive into low range before exiting the ute to open the gate. Tragically, the four-wheel drive vehicle has crept forward, fatally pinning him against the access gate.

  • Incident alert

    Worker crushed by tractor

    In May 2022, a worker was crushed to death by a tractor. Early investigations indicate the man was operating the tractor (with slasher attachment) by himself. It appears he either got off the tractor while it was moving or fell from the tractor and it struck him.

  • Incident alert

    High-pressure cleaners on asbestos roofs

    In May 2022, a worker suffered serious de-gloving injuries when his hand was trapped in a ‘curtain coating roller’ machine. At this stage of the investigation, it’s unclear exactly what the worker was doing, but it appears his hand was drawn in between the machine’s two rollers.

  • Incident alert

    Fixed machinery incidents, including two fatalities

    In May 2022, a worker suffered serious de-gloving injuries when his hand was trapped in a ‘curtain coating roller’ machine. At this stage of the investigation, it’s unclear exactly what the worker was doing, but it appears his hand was drawn in between the machine’s two rollers.

  • Incident alert

    Fatal roadside incident

    In April 2022, two motor mechanics were repairing a broken-down bus on the roadside. Tragically, the bus was struck by a passing vehicle and both men were killed. Investigations are continuing.

  • Incident alert

    Young worker suffers cryogenic burns

    A young worker at a heavy engineering maintenance facility suffered serious cryogenic burns after dunking his hands in liquid nitrogen whilst attempting to shrink a brass bush to put into an excavator boom arm. Investigations are continuing.

  • Incident alert

    Worker’s hand partially amputated by a saw

    In April 2022, a worker suffered a partial amputation of his hand after it contacted a moving saw blade approximately 1m in diameter. Early investigations revealed it was a breakdown saw used to mill trees. It appears the worker was cutting a large timber log on the saw when he has accessed another blade to clear or dislodge an obstruction. Unfortunately, his hand has come into contact with the moving operational blade, causing significant amputation injuries. Investigations into the incident are continuing.

  • Workplace health and safety alert

    Mobile and tower crane hoist limits

    The purpose of this safety alert is to highlight the risk of hoist rope failure and loads dropping from mobile and tower cranes, which can occur when the hoist limit is disabled or does not function correctly. Employers, builders, workers and crane operators should apply the principles in this alert to any crane with a hoist rope.

  • Workplace health and safety alert

    Safety of moving walks and escalators

    The purpose of this safety alert is to highlight the risks of missing pallets/steps on moving walks and escalators.