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  • Incident alert

    Worker killed after tyre explosion

    In September, a truck driver was killed while inflating a tyre. Initial indications are the transport firm employee sustained fatal injuries when the tyre he was inflating exploded.

  • Incident alert

    Young worker seriously injured by meat slicing machine

    In August 2019, a young worker suffered serious hand injuries after an incident at a meat processing workplace. Early enquiries indicate he was operating a guillotine style slicing machine used to cut frozen meat.

  • Incident alert

    Fatal fall from height while working on air conditioning system

    In August, a man died after falling approximately 6m while working on an air conditioning system at a civic centre. It’s believed he may have fallen from a ladder. Investigations are continuing.

  • Incident alert

    Person seriously injured by falling boat

    In July 2019, a person was seriously injured when a large boat on a hardstand toppled over. Early enquiries indicate a prop or stand that was part of the system stabilising the boat may have been moved for easier access when maintenance was being done. Investigations are continuing.

  • Incident alert

    Worker injured by overhead travelling crane

    In June 2019, a crane operator was injured when an overhead travelling crane (also commonly known as a bridge crane) fell to the ground. Early enquiries indicate the anchoring system used to support the rails the crane travels along failed, resulting in the crane falling. Investigations are continuing.

  • Incident alert

    Workers injured in trench collapse

    In August 2019, two workers were injured after a trench collapse at a construction site. Early enquiries indicate the two workers were installing footings in a trench next to a recently completed storm water pipeline.

  • Incident alert

    Worker burned in fuel explosion

    In August 2019, a worker suffered burns when fuel vapour ignited causing an explosion. The worker was refuelling a boat, when for reasons yet to be established, fuel vapour ignited causing an explosion. Investigations are continuing.

  • Incident alert

    Fatal forklift incidents

    In July 2019, a person was fatally crushed by a portable generator being unloaded from a truck by a forklift. In a separate incident in May 2019, a worker was fatally crushed between a reversing forklift and a truck at a transport yard. Investigations into both are continuing.

  • Workplace health and safety alert

    Sign collapse

    This safety alert highlights the risk of collapse of self-supporting signs, and to raise awareness of the need to properly design, maintain and inspect sign structures.

  • Workplace health and safety alert

    SpaceAge winch type sign failures

    The purpose of this safety alert is to highlight the risk of winch type (wind-up) sign failure and to provide recommendations on how to avoid further incidents. This alert specifically applies to winch type signs supplied by SpaceAge Signs and supersedes all previous alerts on winch type signs.

  • Incident alert

    Crane contacts overhead powerlines

    Queensland’s Electrical Safety Office (ESO) and Workplace Health and Safety Queensland are investigating an incident where a mobile crane contacted overhead powerlines. One worker was electrocuted, another suffered serious injuries, while a third required hospital treatment. Investigations are continuing.

  • Incident alert

    Worker severely injured by agricultural machine

    In June 2019, a worker suffered traumatic injuries to both arms as a result of becoming entrapped by a pulling winch. The pulling winch was used on a vegetable growing farm to pull liners with compost from a shelf and unload onto a conveyor.