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  • Incident alert

    Agricultural industry mobile plant roll-over incidents

    In October 2019, a man died on a rural property died after being crushed by the tractor he was operating. Initial findings suggest he was reversing the tractor into a deep excavation, when for reasons yet to be established, the tractor rolled.

  • Incident alert

    Worker struck by building materials

    In November 2019, a truck driver sustained serious lacerations to his leg when he was struck by building materials which had fallen off a pallet.

  • Workplace health and safety alert

    Minimise shark bite risks as diving and snorkelling activities peak

    With holiday-makers heading to our waterways in droves, dive and snorkel tour operators should ensure their safety systems and processes are up to date and staff are briefed on how to minimise the risk of shark bites.

  • Incident alert

    Incident at Public Swimming Pool

    In November, a young child was submerged underwater for less than two minutes at a supervised public pool. On-duty lifeguards administered CPR until QAS officers arrived and took over. The child was taken to hospital and later passed away.

  • Workplace health and safety alert

    Zip line terminations

    The purpose of this alert is to inform zip line owners, operators, engineers and riggers of the risk of failure of zip line terminations and to provide guidance to help prevent the failure of zip lines.

  • Incident alert

    Fatal fall at tourist attraction

    In October 2019, a patron died, and another was seriously injured while using a zipline attraction as part of a rainforest adventure tour.

  • Incident alert

    Worker injured on construction site

    In October 2019, a compact track loader (commonly known as a posi-track or bobcat) was moving spoil on a construction site when it reversed into a worker who suffered serious leg injuries.

  • Workplace health and safety alert

    Callaghan 37 metre concrete placing booms

    This safety alert concerns the collapse of a Callaghan 37 metre concrete placing boom and includes actions to be taken by boom owners to avoid similar incidents.

  • Workplace health and safety alert

    Lifting clutch failures

    The purpose of this health and safety alert is to inform workers, employers, builders and designers of the risk of failure of lifting clutches associated with tilt-up and pre-cast concrete erection.

  • Incident alert

    Abattoir worker fatally crushed by machinery

    In July 2019, a worker was crushed to death when manually handling goat carcasses. He was trapped by a hydraulically operated stainless-steel bucket.

  • Incident alert

    High pressure water blaster used on asbestos roof

    In June 2019, two people used a high-pressure water blaster on a corrugated asbestos cement roof (super six roof). As a result, asbestos contaminated dust and debris (ACD) ended up on neighbouring residential properties.

  • Workplace health and safety alert

    Elastic spring-back in wear plates on excavator buckets

    The purpose of this safety alert is to highlight the risk of elastic energy being released when wear plates on excavator buckets or similar parts on other equipment are being removed or repaired.