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  • Incident alert

    Excavated wall collapse

    In February 2018, a worker’s foot and ankle were injured when part of a three metre high near vertical excavation face collapsed. The injured worker was part of a group building a boulder retaining wall. Four workers were gathered at the toe of the excavation when they heard a cracking noise and the excavation face collapsed. Three of them managed to jump out of the way but the fourth was buried up to his knees. Investigations are continuing.

  • Incident alert

    Worker impaled by starter bar at construction site

    In February 2018, a worker was impaled by a starter bar after falling into a 1.8m deep excavation at a construction site. Early investigations indicate he was walking on a path close to the excavation when the ground slipped. This caused him to fall onto an uncapped starter bar which was protruding from a footing for a retaining wall at the bottom of the excavation. His injuries were not life threatening or permanent and investigations are continuing.

  • Incident alert

    Primary school student hit by golf buggy

    In February 2018, a six year old primary school student was seriously injured by a golf buggy being driven on the school grounds. Early investigations indicate the student came out of the toilet block and ran into the path of the golf buggy. The student sustained leg and skull fractures and bleeding on the brain. Investigations are continuing.

  • Incident alert

    Worker killed in skylight fall

    In February 2018, a worker was killed after falling five metres onto a concrete floor. Early investigations indicate the worker was attending to a radio tower on the roof of a storage shed when a skylight has collapsed and he fell through to the floor below. Investigations are continuing.

  • Incident alert

    Workers injured by glass sheets

    In February 2018, three workers received severe lacerations when one of several large glass sheets in a racking system fell to the ground and shattered. It appears that one of two workers trying to restrain the glass sheets by hand was unable to support the weight of one of them. Another worker came to his assistance but was unable to prevent the sheet from falling. Investigations are continuing.

  • Incident alert

    Generator fuel explosion in back of truck

    In February 2018, two workers received severe burns to their legs, upper body and face when fuel ignited in the back of a truck.

  • Incident alert

    Vehicle stabilisers and outriggers

    In February 2018, a truck fitted with a vehicle loading crane was driven along a road with its stabiliser extended. The stabiliser struck a parked vehicle and a worker standing behind this vehicle was crushed and killed. It is not yet known why the stabiliser was unsecured and investigations are continuing.

  • Incident alert

    Young worker injured by nail gun

    An apprentice was injured by a nail, fired from a nail gun by another worker, which went through the piece of timber he was holding and into his chest. The worker underwent minor surgery to remove a small piece of bone. Investigations are continuing.

  • Incident alert

    Mobile crane rollover onto four lane road

    In January 2018, a 25 tonne articulated crane (a ‘pick and carry’ type mobile crane) overbalanced and fell across four lanes of a major arterial road while it was lifting a sign. Three lanes of traffic were closed at the time and there was no traffic in the open lane. The crane was removing a signage structure 15m in height, 3.9m wide and weighing approximately 4.5 tonnes. While manoeuvring, it appears the load caught on a structure then swung toward the road. Nobody was injured and investigations are continuing.

  • Incident alert

    Worker burned while lighting furnace

    In January 2018, a worker received second degree burns while trying to pour fuel into the vent pipe of a furnace used for drying woodchips. The worker was attempting to light the furnace and spilled the fuel which then ignited resulting in burns to his hands, arms and legs. Investigations are continuing.

  • Incident alert

    Worker burned in pump room explosion

    On 11 January 2018 a worker was seriously injured in an explosion at a waste treatment plant at the Townsville golf club. Early investigations indicate this may have involved an explosive gas or substance in the pump room, but the ignition source has not been confirmed. The worker received extensive burns requiring hospital treatment. Investigations are continuing.

  • Incident alert

    Two workers die inside agriculture tanker

    In January 2018, two men were found dead in the bottom of a fibreglass tank on a trailer. The tanker/trailer is a purpose built tri-axle trailer built for the transport of dunder and molasses.