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New inspectors ready to boost construction safety

Workplace Health and Safety Queensland (WHSQ) is ready to roll out a new crop of construction inspectors to ensure workers can go home safely at the end of each day.

The 18 new construction inspectors are the product of an extensive recruitment, onboarding and training process. There was strong interest and competition when the new positions were advertised, with almost 300 people applying. The applicants came with impressive credentials and a variety of backgrounds and experience in the construction industry and in occupational health and safety.

After a comprehensive onboarding process, the 18 inspectors are now finishing their training, which consisted of formal, classroom training, work-based assignments, mentoring and field experience.

The boost to inspector numbers was a recommendation of the Best Practice Review of Workplace Health and Safety Queensland, which found inspector numbers had not kept pace with increased economic activity and the complexity of work, health and safety. Overall there were 24 new positions created, with the majority in the construction inspectorate.

The new inspectors are based in the south-east corner of Queensland, stretching from Maryborough to Robina, and out to Toowoomba.

The new inspectors will work with the construction industry to improve its injury and fatality rates.

Further information

For information on upcoming compliance campaigns, and for resources to help you manage site safety, visit