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Electrical licensing disciplinary action

In November 2024, the Electrical Licensing Committee took disciplinary action against 16 licence holders:

  1. An electrical contractor was commissioned to perform electrical work at a residence involving the supply and installation of underground wiring systems for lights to the front garden stairs, front and side fences and final termination and installation of the lights at the front of the property and final terminations and connection of the lights to the electrical installation.

    The electrical contractor failed to ensure that the electrical installation, to the extent it was affected by the electrical work, was tested, and verified to ensure it was electrically safe and compliant with the Wirings Rules under section 71 of the Electrical Safety Regulations 2013.

    As a result of this failure, the electrical installation at this location was connected and energised with multiple non compliances with the Wiring Rules.

    The Electrical Licensing Committee decided to include conditions on the electrical contractor licence, effective immediately. All QTP’s must complete mandatory training in competency units within three months and the contractor must complete an approved electrical safety system audit from an independent auditor within six months. The contractor was issued with a reprimand. The contractor was issued with a $1,000 penalty. This was in addition to receiving an infringement notice from the ESO totaling $200.

  2. An electrical worker performed electrical work at a residence involving the supply and installation of underground wiring systems for lights to the front garden stairs, front and side fences and final termination and installation of the lights at the front of the property and final terminations and connection of the lights to the electrical installation.

    The electrical worker failed to ensure that the electrical installation, to the extent it was affected by the electrical work, was tested, and verified to ensure it was electrically safe and compliant with the Wirings Rules under section 71 of the Electrical Safety Regulations 2013.

    As a result of this failure, the electrical installation at this location was connected and energised with multiple non compliances with the Wiring Rules.

    The Electrical Licensing Committee decided to disqualify the electrical worker from being a qualified technical person (QTP) for the holder of an electrical contractor licence for a period of two (2) years, as well as include conditions on the electrical worker licence, effective immediately. The worker was instructed to complete training in competency units within three months and can only work under the general supervision of a licenced electrical mechanic until such time that he has satisfactorily completed a competency unit. The worker was issued with a reprimand and a $300 penalty. This was in addition to receiving an infringement notice from the ESO totaling $200.

  3. An electrical contractor performed electrical work at a residence that included the installation of a generator changeover switch and a 15-amp appliance inlet installed in the sub-board located on the ground floor of a house.

    The electrical contractor failed to conduct the relevant testing and verification to ensure that the electrical installation, to the extent it was affected by the electrical work, was electrically safe and compliant with the Wirings Rules under section 71 of the Electrical Safety Regulations 2013.

    As a result of this failure the generator change-over switch was incorrectly wired with the main neutral being switched.Persons at the property were not free from electrical risk.

    The Electrical Licensing Committee decided to include conditions on the electrical contractor licence, effective immediately. The contractor must complete an approved electrical safety system audit from an independent auditor within six months. The contractor was issued with a caution. The contractor was issued with a $1,000 penalty.

  4. An electrical worker performed electrical work at a residence that included the installation of a generator changeover switch and a 15-amp appliance inlet installed in the sub-board located on the ground floor of a house.

    The electrical worker failed to conduct the relevant testing and verification to ensure that the electrical installation, to the extent it was affected by the electrical work, was electrically safe and compliant with the Wirings Rules under section 71 of the Electrical Safety Regulations 2013.

    As a result of this failure the generator change-over switch was incorrectly wired with the main neutral being switched.Persons at the property were not free from electrical risk.

    The Electrical Licensing Committee decided to include conditions on the electrical worker licence, effective immediately. The worker was instructed to complete training in competency units within three months. The worker was issued with a caution and a $200 penalty.

  5. An electrical worker had a previous hearing where the Electrical Licensing Committee decided to include conditions on the electrical worker licence, as of 6 October 2023, instructing complete training in competency units within three months.

    The worker provided false documentation, which the training organisation confirmed that it did not deliver two units of training to the worker.

    As a result of providing this false documentation, the ELC determined the facts established from the material and the hearing were providing fraudulent information indicating the electrical worker completed units of competency which the electrical worker did not undertake. Submitting a Statement of Attainment doctoring up a certificate issued by a Registered Training Organisation and failing to undertake conditions in the licence as determined by the Committee.

    The Electrical Licensing Committee decided to immediately cancel the electrical workers licence and disqualify the worker from holding an electrical work licence for a period of ten (10) years. The worker was issued with a reprimand and a $4,000 penalty.

  6. An electrical contractor performed electrical work at a residence that included the replacement of the existing consumer mains cabling and replacing the main switchboard.

    The electrical contractor failed to ensure that the electrical installation, to the extent it was affected by the electrical work, was electrically safe and compliant with the Wirings Rules under section 71 of the Electrical Safety Regulations 2013.

    As a result of this failure the consumers mains were connected with a transposed polarity connection at the mains connection box. Energex crews invested reports the occupiers of the property received an electric shock when contacting the metal conductive water pipe of the water heater system. Energex tests identified the reverse polarity connection on the consumers mains.

    The Electrical Licensing Committee decided to include conditions on the electrical contractor licence, effective immediately. All QTP’s must complete mandatory training in competency units within three months and the contractor must complete an approved electrical safety system audit from an independent auditor within six months. The contractor was issued with a reprimand and with a $600 penalty. This was in addition to receiving an infringement notice from the ESO totaling $400.

  7. An electrical contractor performed electrical work at a residence, which included identification, isolation, and relocation of an underground wiring system.

    The contractor failed to ensure that before electrical work was carried out on electrical equipment the equipment was tested by a competent person to decide whether or not it is energised, as required by section 15 of the Electrical Safety Regulations 2013.

    As a result of this failure an electrical apprentice received an electric shock when cutting a conduit containing an energised conductor. The metal tool being used has cut through the cable insulation and contacted the active conductor.

    The Electrical Licensing Committee decided to include conditions on the electrical contractor licence, effective immediately. All QTP’s must complete mandatory training in competency units within three months and the contractor must complete an approved electrical safety system audit from an independent auditor within six months. The contractor was issued with a caution. The contractor was issued with a $400 penalty. This was in addition to receiving an infringement notice from the ESO totaling $800.

  8. An electrical worker performed electrical work at a residence which included identification, isolation, and relocation of an underground wiring system.

    The worker failed to ensure that before electrical work was carried out on electrical equipment the equipment was tested by a competent person to decide whether or not it is energised, as required by section 15 of the Electrical Safety Regulations 2013.

    As a result of this failure an electrical apprentice received an electric shock when cutting a conduit containing an energised conductor. The metal tool being used has cut through the cable insulation and contacted the active conductor.

    The Electrical Licensing Committee decided to include conditions on the electrical worker licence, effective immediately. The worker was instructed to complete training in competency units within three months. The worker was issued with a caution and a $100 penalty. This was in addition to receiving an infringement notice from the ESO totaling $800.

  9. An electrical contractor performed electrical work at a commercial property. This electrical work included the removal and replacement of a 205.4kW roof top solar system consisting of 520 photovoltaic (PV) modules, PV module rail mounting system, roof top DC solar isolators and DC cabling.

    The contractor failed to ensure that the electrical installation, to the extent it was affected by the electrical work, was electrically safe and compliant with the Wirings Rules under section 71 of the Electrical Safety Regulations 2013.

    As a result of this failure, the roof top mounted DC Isolators were not installed with the appropriate IP rating for the installation conditions. This has caused the ingress of moisture into the DC isolator resulting in a fire within the enclosure.

    The Electrical Licensing Committee decided to include conditions on the electrical contractor licence, effective immediately. All QTP’s must complete mandatory training in competency units within three months and the contractor must complete an approved electrical safety system audit from an independent auditor within six months. The contractor was issued with a reprimand, with the recommendation this information be included on the licensing public register, and to remain on the register for three years. The contractor was issued with a $2,000 penalty. This was in addition to receiving an infringement notice from the ESO totaling $800.

  10. An electrical worker performed electrical work at a commercial property which included the removal and replacement of a 205.4kW roof top solar system consisting of 520 photovoltaic (PV) modules, PV module rail mounting system, roof top DC solar isolators and DC cabling.

    The worker failed to ensure that the electrical installation, to the extent it was affected by the electrical work, was electrically safe and compliant with the Wirings Rules under section 71 of the Electrical Safety Regulations 2013.

    As a result of this failure the roof top mounted DC Isolators were not installed with the appropriate IP rating for the installation conditions. This has caused the ingress of moisture into the DC isolator resulting in a fire within the enclosure.

    The Electrical Licensing Committee decided to include conditions on the electrical worker licence, effective immediately. The worker was instructed to complete training in competency units within three months. The worker was issued with a caution and a $1,000 penalty. This was in addition to receiving an infringement notice from the ESO totaling $800.

  11. An electrical worker was issued with an immediate suspension notice under 121AA(1)(b) - Regulator reasonably believes that the performance of the work may involve an imminent serious risk to the health or safety of a person.

    The way the work was performed was not electrically safe. The person who actually performed the electrical work was negligent or incompetent in the performance of the work and because of the performance of the work, a person or property was not electrically safe.

    The Electrical Licensing Committee decided to suspend the electrical work licence, effective immediately. The worker was instructed to complete training against the capstone assessment. The worker was disqualified from being a qualified technical person (QTP) for the holder of an electrical contractor licence for a period of five (5) years, effective immediately. The worker was issued with a $4,000 penalty and a reprimand with the recommendation this information be included on the licensing public register, and to remain on the register for three years.

  12. An electrical contractor supervised the performance of electrical work at a Power Station. The electrical work included electrical testing on the HV contactors in the baghouse switch room.

    The electrical contractor failed to ensure that electrical work is not carried out on electrical equipment while the equipment is energised, as required by section 14 of the Electrical Safety Regulations 2013.

    The electrical contractor also failed to ensure that electrical equipment that has been de-energised to allow electrical work to be carried out on it is not inadvertently re-energised while the work is being carried out, as required under section 16 of the Electrical Safety Regulations 2013.

    As a result of these failures an electrical worker received an electrical shock when contacting the exposed part of an energised conductor.

    The Electrical Licensing Committee decided to include conditions on the electrical contractor licence, effective immediately. All QTP’s must complete mandatory training in competency units within three months and the contractor must complete an approved electrical safety system audit from an independent auditor within six months. The contractor was issued with a $1,000 penalty. This was in addition to receiving an infringement notice from the ESO totaling $3,600.

  13. An electrical worker performed electrical work involving the installation of underground consumers mains, and switchboard at a domestic construction site.

    The electrical worker failed to ensure that the electrical work carried out on energised electrical equipment meet the requirements of the Electrical Safety Regulations 2013, section 19, and section 22.

    As a result of this failure, training persons were working near energised parts without adequate risk management procedures in place to ensure the electrical safety of the persons performing the electrical work.

    The Electrical Licensing Committee decided to include conditions on the electrical worker licence, effective immediately. The worker was instructed to complete training in competency units within four months. The worker was issued with a caution and a $800 penalty.

  14. An electrical contractor performed electrical work involving the installation of underground consumers mains, and switchboard at a domestic construction site.

    The electrical contractor failed to ensure that the electrical work carried out on energised electrical equipment, meet the requirements of the Electrical Safety Regulations 2013, section 19, and section 22.

    As a result of this failure, training persons were working near energised parts without adequate risk management procedures in place to ensure the electrical safety of the persons performing the electrical work.

    The Electrical Licensing Committee decided to include conditions on the electrical contractor licence, effective immediately. All QTP’s must complete mandatory training in competency units within four months and the contractor must complete an approved electrical safety system audit from an independent auditor within six months. The contractor was issued with a caution. The contractor was issued with a $2,000 penalty.

  15. An electrical worker performed electrical work at a residence involving the installation of a PV Solar array (9.8kW), a Goodwe hybrid inverter (10kW 3 Phase) and a Goodwe battery storage system (9.81kWh).

    The electrical worker failed to ensure the electrical installation, to the extent it was affected by the electrical work, was electrically safe and complied with the Wiring Rules under section 71 of the Electrical Safety Regulations 2013.

    As a result of this failure, it was identified by a third-party electrical contractor the neutral for the backup circuits of the hybrid system was not connected to the neutral bar. This has caused fluctuations in voltages of the electrical supply to the electrical equipment attached to the backup circuits resulting in damage to electrical equipment and risk of fire.

    The electrical worker attended site on several occasions to fault find the back-up circuits of the hybrid system and was unable to identify the fault.

    The Electrical Licensing Committee decided to include conditions on the electrical worker licence, effective immediately. The worker was instructed to complete training in competency units within four months. The worker was issued with a caution and a $500 penalty. This was in addition to receiving an infringement notice from the ESO totaling $200.

  16. An electrical contractor performed electrical work at a residence involving the installation of a PV Solar array (9.8kW), a Goodwe hybrid inverter (10kW 3 Phase) and a Goodwe battery storage system (9.81kWh).
  17. The electrical contractor failed to ensure the electrical installation, to the extent it was affected by the electrical work, was electrically safe and complied with the Wiring Rules under section 71 of the Electrical Safety Regulations 2013.

    As a result of this failure, it was identified by a third-party electrical contractor the neutral for the backup circuits of the hybrid system was not connected to the neutral bar. This has caused fluctuations in voltages of the electrical supply to the electrical equipment attached to the backup circuits resulting in damage to electrical equipment and risk of fire.

    The electrical contractor attended site on several occasions to fault find the back-up circuits of the hybrid system and was unable to identify the fault.

    The Electrical Licensing Committee decided to include conditions on the electrical contractor licence, effective immediately. All QTP’s must complete mandatory training in competency units within four months and the contractor must complete an approved electrical safety system audit from an independent auditor within six months. The contractor was issued with a caution. The contractor was issued with a $1,000 penalty. This was in addition to receiving an infringement notice from the ESO totaling $800.