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Be safe during extreme weather events in Queensland

Queensland is no stranger to extreme weather events.

So far this season, Queenslanders have seen extreme temperatures across some parts of the state, as well as flash flooding and risky wet conditions.

It’s easy to become complacent when you are used to the extremes of a Queensland summer, but that complacency can have dire consequences. This is a reminder to primary industry to consider safety when operating plant in wet conditions and the effects of heat stress when working in severe temperatures.

Parts of the sunshine state can soar past 40 degrees and businesses are required to have plans in place to keep workers safe from heat related illnesses.

In any situation where temperatures are high, a range of factors need to be considered including individual risk, environmental risk, and the nature of the work. Clothing, PPE, hydration, as well as medical and fitness considerations, also need to be factored into risk planning.

More information

We encourage you to refer to the Heat stress calculator and other guidance and resources for business and industry to meet heat-related obligations: