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Building mentally healthy workplaces in tough times

Does your workplace have over 20 workers?

Are you on a journey to creating a mentally healthy and safe workplace in tough times?

If you answered ‘yes’ to both of these questions you may want to consider the People at Work program for your business.

As rural producers grapple with the ongoing impacts of Covid-19 on top of the seasonal challenges brought by mice plagues, drought and flooding, People at Work can help you and your workers build mental health resilience.

People at Work is Australia’s only validated psychosocial risk assessment tool and it is now online and free to use. The tool, supported by Australian work health and safety regulators, helps workplaces meet their legislative responsibility to identify, assess and manage risks to psychological health and safety.

Send a clear message to workers that you value their mental health and wellbeing and reap the benefits of reduced workers’ compensation claims and improved worker productivity, satisfaction and engagement.

You can use the People at Work tool to self-administer a tailored organisational survey to assess your workplace psychosocial hazards and factors. Once the survey has been completed by your workforce, a comprehensive report will show you how your organisation’s results compare with Australian benchmarks.

The website also provides support materials and interactive learning modules to support you to implement a psychosocial risk assessment process and evaluate the effectiveness of your chosen controls over time.

By participating, you will also help to develop benchmarks for the agriculture sector which can be used to support others in the industry here in Queensland and across the country.

It’s free, it’s easy to use, it’s highly effective and can be accessed anywhere in the state. Visit People at Work to access the digital tool.