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Workers' Memorial Day

Workers' Memorial Day was held on Sunday 28 April. This International Day of Remembrance and action commemorates the lives of those lost from work-related injury or illness.

In 2023, 27 Queensland workers lost their lives due to workplace incidents.

Workers' Memorial Day is a day for the community to unite through grief, to honour the lives of their loved ones, and remind all Queenslanders of their right to work safely and go home safely.

The Office of Industrial Relations and the Consultative Committee for Work-Related Fatalities and Serious Incidents held a private ceremony on Friday 26 April. Those in attendance took a moment to remember their lost loved ones and strengthen their commitment to preventing work-related deaths, injuries and illnesses.

For those who missed the ceremony online on Sunday – you can watch it on our Facebook page - Workers’ Memorial Day 2024.

We encourage you to share this link with anyone you feel may wish to view it. It’s never too late to commemorate those who have lost their life because of their work.

Safety Advocate and Chair of the Committee Dan Kennedy spoke at the ceremony about the loss of his son Dale who didn't return home, now 10 years ago.

"I wouldn't wish losing someone you love on anyone; it takes a lot of you," Dan said.

"The pain doesn't stop – but a memorial day, Workers' Memorial Day, provides a day for the people still here to unite, feel support and reflect with those who have experienced something similar.

"It's now 10 years since Dale didn't return home from work. He was only 20 years old, with a young child. Dale was electrocuted while working in a ceiling space as a fourth-year apprentice.

"Speaking with workers in Queensland gives me a sense of purpose - as so many workplace incidents could be avoided," he said.

"We need to normalise speaking up when something doesn’t seem right and listen when someone in a workplace expresses concern."

If you would like a Safety Advocate like Dan to come to share their story for free with your business you can apply for Safety Advocate workplace visits.

Further information

Read more about the Consultative Committee for Work-Related Fatalities and Serious Incidents members.