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The future of work: an Australian perspective

Safe Work Australia has published a film about the future of work in Australia, featuring a presentation CEO Michelle Baxter gave at an international workplace health and safety conference.

The presentation throws a spotlight on how changing work health and safety requirements are being met in Australia, as well as new and emerging workforce trends. It features an insight into the success of harmonised laws across the country, underpinned by the hierarchy of risk control and good work design.

Ms Baxter canvasses megatrends predicted over the next 20 years: an ageing workforce, automation, the rise of artificial intelligence, remote surveillance, telehealth, global communication, and the gig economy.

“These have all shown us that industries, markets and workforces can change with astonishing speed. How work is done will involve more humans interacting with more machines and technology,” Ms Baxter said.

“We're on the cusp of discovering exactly what impacts the changing face of work will have on the mental health of our workers. It's clear we stand at a new frontier for workplace safety.”

Watch the film.