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AI on show at the Transport Safety Network meeting

Members of the Transport Industry Safety Network were recently given an overview of how AI technology is being used to improve driver safety.

The latest quarterly network meeting in September featured Dr Kelvin Ross from the Institute for Integrated and Intelligent Systems at Griffith University. Dr Ross, who is working at the forefront of artificial intelligence (AI) risk management monitoring and control systems,discussed his work with prototype driver monitoring systems using emerging AI technologies.

Dr Ross revealed how monitoring drivers with medical grade electrocardiogram data can improve safety by monitoring fatigue, stress and a range of medical conditions. He said the ever-increasing capacity of AI systems to predict behaviour and the fusion of multiple driver monitoring sensors will ultimately lead to more accurate driver monitoring and controls.

Future trials of AI and machine learning technology are ongoing and if you would like more information about how it can help your business – or to join the safety network - email

The next Transport Safety Network meeting will be held at the Port of Brisbane in December, featuring an update on WHSQ and the Department of Transport's vehicle loading crane audit campaign, including the significant safety issues revealed by inspections of hundreds of VLCs at roadside intercepts.

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