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Policy and legislation

Find out about new workers’ compensation laws, the new Psychiatric Assessment Tribunal, and Specialty Medical Assessment Tribunals recruitment.

New workers’ compensation laws

On 23 August 2024, the Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2024 (Amendment Act) commenced.

The Amendment Act implements accepted legislative recommendations of the 2023 review of the operation of the Queensland workers' compensation scheme (PDF, 3.59 MB) and the Decision Impact Analysis Statement for workers' compensation entitlements for workers in the gig economy and taxi and limousine industry in Queensland.

The Amendment Act is designed to prevent secondary psychological injuries, improve workers' rights, improve rehabilitation and return to work outcomes, reduce delays in providing information and making workers' compensation decisions, allow flexibility for the government to regulate gig workers into the future and enhance compliance and enforcement.

Thank you to the stakeholder reference group for the valuable feedback provided to help inform the development of the Amendment Act.

Read more about what the changes mean for workers, employers and insurers.

New Psychiatric Assessment Tribunal

The Psychiatric Assessment Tribunal commenced on 1 July 2024 and will assess psychiatric and psychological injuries previously assessed by the General Medical Assessment Tribunal.

The Psychiatric Assessment Tribunal was established in response to the increasing proportion of psychiatric and psychological injuries before the medical assessment tribunals and in acknowledgement of the important role of psychiatrists in assessing these injuries.

In conducting assessments, the Psychiatric Assessment Tribunal will apply the same criteria and methodology currently used by the General Medical Assessment Tribunal. There are no impacts on workers.

Specialty Medical Assessment Tribunals recruitment

Medical assessment tribunals make independent, expert medical decisions about work-related injury or impairment. The current term of appointment for our seven Specialty Medical Assessment Tribunals expire on 30 June 2025. We will soon be putting out the call for specialist practitioners to apply to join the tribunal and it is anticipated vacancies will be advertised in January 2025.