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Bricklayer's labourer

Bricklayer's labourers assist with preparation, positioning and distribution of materials and equipment.

They assist with general clean-up associated with laying bricks, stone, concrete blocks and other building blocks to construct and repair walls, foundations and other structures.


  • mixing, transporting and distributing mortar and cement mixes for use
  • mortar is mixed on site using a mixer (includes shovelling sand into the mixer, cement/mortar mix is added from 20kg bags along with water and other additives)
  • small quantities of mortar may be mixed manually in a wheelbarrow using a shovel
  • mortar mix is transported in buckets weighing up to 25kg and/or by wheelbarrow around the site as required
  • moving and handling large volumes of materials on site, and  the use of a forklift, pallet jacks, wheelbarrows and specially shaped 'block barrows'
  • manually loading and unloading bricks and blocks to and from pallets
  • the brick, stone and building blocks handled vary in size and weight but typically weigh between 11 and 15kg - they are manually handled between floor level and chest height
  • bricks, stone and blocks are cut to size and shaped using a chisel hammer or brick/block cutting machine
  • temporary work platforms and scaffolding is assembled and disassembled
  • excess mortar is removed using a hand trowel or scraper - props may be used to temporarily support the structures and  are positioned and fastened between ll and floor structures, and may include the use of bracing along the walls
  • bricklayer's labourers work both indoors and outdoors, therefore access may require the climbing of stairs, ladders and scaffolding and negotiation of uneven surfaces.

Personal protective equipment

  • gloves
  • hard hat
  • mask
  • visibility vest
  • trousers
  • safety boots
  • ear muffs/plugs
  • safety glasses
  • sunscreen.
Critical job demand descriptor% of time the task is performedTask


  • standing
  • gripping of objects

34% - 66%

  • trunks flextion greater than 15 degrees (including periods of sweeping/shovelling)
  • lifting of objects weighing up to 15kg between floor and chest height

5% - 33%

  • kneeling and crouching positions
  • climbing of stairs and ladders
  • lifting of objects weighing up to 25kg between floor and chest height
  • carrying objects weighing up to 25 kg
  • pushing/pulling of objects
  • periods of exposure to vibration (use of jack hammers and other power tools)
  • periods of impact activities (use of hammers and sledge hammers)
  • lifting of objects weighing up to 15kg above shoulder height
  • carrying of objects weighing up to 25kg

Suitable duties

  • goals must be clear, realistic and achievable
  • must have 'buy-in' from the worker
  • worker helps to set the goals, and must be answerable if goals are not met (this allows barriers to RTW to be identified at an early stage and obstacles overcome)
  • workers need to understand they have an obligation to participate in rehabilitation and RTW as per Section 232 of the Workers' Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 (the Act).

Bricklayer's labourer return to work (RTW) suggestions

Worker can begin with light duties and include more tasks as their capacity for work changes. We'll work with all parties, including the treating medical provider, employer and worker to ensure everyone is aware of where the worker is with their rehabilitation and stay at, or return to work.

Note: some tasks are dependent on worker's injury and capacity, and some tasks may require the assistance of a co-worker.


If the worker needs to take a break from work, they're rehabilitation can still begin at home. Tasks can include:

  • video on safety issues can be viewed (lying in bed if injury type requires)
  • computer based programs, CD's or DVD on work related subjects
  • phone based work
  • emails
  • training
  • other worksite induction
  • checking or auditing paperwork, e.g. helping the WHSO  audit lost time injuries (LTI's) for a six month period.

Host employment

In the event an employer is unable to provide suitable duties, a host placement may be required. If this is the case, the worker may be placed at a different employer in a graduated return to work plan until they're able to 'upgrade' back to his/her pre-injury role with their pre-injury employer.

WorkCover Queensland's Recover at Work program places injured workers in short term host employment with employers who have an established track record of successful return to work outcomes with their own workers.

More return to work resources