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Entering the awards

The awards recognise and celebrate outstanding work health and safety, electrical safety and return to work achievements.

By entering you can:

  • be acknowledged and raise your profile as a leader in safety and return to work
  • win up to $1000 per category
  • share solutions, celebrate and network with other innovative businesses at the awards ceremony.
  • An individual person (depending on the category)
  • A business (depending on the category)
  • If you have developed a new initiative in work health and safety, electrical safety or return to work that is in the development stage, newly implemented or fully implemented
  • If you have achieved positive outcomes in work health and safety, electrical safety or rehabilitation and return to work.

You can also nominate someone (an individual or business) for their achievements.

All completed and submitted entries will be judged against the category criteria by independent panels.

Every category will be judged by a panel of representatives with relevant expertise in that category and consist of:

  • Office of Industrial Relations staff
  • business, industry or union representatives.

Judges can shortlist up to five finalists per category. All shortlisted entries are reviewed to ensure that conditions of entry have been met. If any condition is not met, the entry may be disqualified.

On-site inspections for work health and safety categories are conducted for shortlisted entries and eligibility checks completed before the finalists and winners are decided.

On-site inspections are conducted by a work health and safety or electrical safety inspector. If specialist or technical advice is required and no inspectors are available in the entrants’ region, alternate arrangements will be made (video conferencing and/or other audit processes).

The judging panels reserve the right to consider entries for suitable alternative categories. If judges decide that there are no suitable nominees for a category, no nominations will progress further.

Finalists will be announced in September.

More information

For more information or help with your entry, email or call 1300 362 128.

View the terms and conditions for more information.