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Farm safety calendar competition

Farm safety calendar competition

Find out how to enter this year’s Farm safety calendar competition. Entries close Friday 21 June 2024.

Queensland primary school students (prep to grade 6) are encouraged to draw and colour a picture to illustrate a farm safety message. The 12 winning entrants receive a $250 gift card and $500 for their school!

The Farm safety calendar competition raises awareness among primary school students and their communities of common hazards on farms and other rural properties. The published calendar is an opportunity for safety messages to be prominently displayed in the home throughout the year, reminding Queenslanders of all ages to work and play safely on farm properties.

Curriculum alignment

The competition aligns to the Australian Curriculum General capability: Literacy and the Health and Physical Education learning area.

  • General capability: Literacy. Students develop the knowledge and skills to use language confidently for learning and communicating. The Farm safety competition provides an opportunity for students to use their literacy skills to promote important community safety messages.
  • Health and Physical Education learning area. Students develop skills, understanding and willingness to positively influence the health and wellbeing of themselves and their communities. The personal, social and community health strand focuses on the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to make healthy and safe choices.

Choose a safety message

Students are asked to draw and colour a picture that illustrates one farm safety message (see below). Students must submit their entry on the competition template.

When speaking to students about farm safety and the competition, discuss each of the risks, why they are dangerous and how the risks can be controlled to keep them safe. Also talk about why it is important to talk to an adult if they feel unsafe or see something unsafe.

Electrical safety

  • Overhead powerlines are dangerous. Don’t play, park equipment, operate machinery or plant trees or crops near them.
  • Always be safe with electrical equipment. Don’t use damaged equipment, don’t use near water, always charge safely and ask an adult to check for the Registered Compliance Mark (RCM).

Animal safety

  • Make sure you are properly trained and understand animal behaviour before entering a stock yard.
  • Always wash your hands after touching or playing with animals as they carry diseases that can make people very sick.

Tractor and machinery safety

  • Have a safe, fenced play area to keep children safe from machinery.
  • Don’t have passengers on farm vehicles unless there is a designated seat and seat belt for them.

Quad bike safety

  • Never let children under 16 use an adult sized quad bike.
  • Always wear a properly fitted helmet when you ride a quad bike.

Water safety

  • Stay away from flood waters—there can be hidden dangers like strong currents, logs and other rubbish.
  • Always have an adult with you when playing near or in dams, creeks and rivers.

Health and wellbeing

  • Make sure you’re ready to help out on the farm by eating healthy meals and getting plenty of sleep.
  • Stay sun safe when you‘re outside—wear a hat, drink water and take rest breaks in the shade.


Ask children to:

  • read the messages carefully
  • choose the message they can most relate to
  • clearly draw one safety message
  • draw the picture as clearly as they can within the A4 landscape template drawing box
  • use lots of colour.

How to enter

Entries must be submitted on white paper using the competition template at For the entry to be valid, all fields on the template must be completed in legible handwriting including the student’s first and last names, grade and school. The entry must have a consent signature from the student’s teacher, parent or guardian.

Post entries to:
Strategic Communications
Workplace Health and Safety Queensland
GPO Box 69


Judges will select 12 of the best drawings to be included in the 2025 Farm safety calendar. The aim is to have:

  • two winning entries for each of the six safety messages
  • an even spread of age groups, including at least one student from each year from prep to grade 6
  • winners from around the state, with a strong representation from rural and regional Queensland.

Judges will consider whether the drawing:

  • has a clear safety message
  • is relevant to the risk and solution
  • portrays the safety message correctly
  • is colourful.

Winners announced and calendar available

The 12 winners will be announced in October. The free 2025 Farm safety calendar will be available in October. There will be 30,000 copies of the calendar available for Queenslanders to order.

More information

Call 1300 362 128 or email if you have any questions.