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Case studies

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  • The onerous obligation on an employer to instruct and warn

    Weaver v Endeavour Foundation [2013] QSC 93, 12 April 2013. This judgment effectively imposes a standard akin to perfection on an employer and goes to the scope of an employer’s duty of care generally. The employer was found liable for doing its very best to train staff to minimise foreseeable risks of injury in the workplace.

  • Onus of proof

    Marshall v Queensland Rehabilitation Services Pty Ltd, 19 June 2012. Claimants will find it difficult to prove negligence against Employers who clearly document staff training, daily interactions and enforce safe systems of work.

  • Taking good care of safety at childcare centre

    Sesame Lane Childcare has shown some great strides in improving their health, safety and injury management programs after working with the Injury Prevention and Management program (IPaM).

  • Cook Medical: on the road to recovery

    Cook Medical takes safety and injury management seriously, and manages manual tasks, stress, health and wellbeing to keep their workers safe, and by doing so, have reduced their premium rate from double the premium industry rate.

  • Contributory negligence found against Plaintiff for left shoulder injury

    Contributory negligence was found against the Plaintiff for the injuries she suffered when her left arm became caught between the mattress and the end of the bed.

  • Employer found liable for a shoulder aggravation injury

    The plaintiff suffered a shoulder aggravation injury on 5 January 2017 when working as a chef in the kitchen of a nursing home in Townsville.

  • Damages awarded to librarian for back injury.

    The Plaintiff was a librarian who injured her back when upturning a book return box to retrieve a book that had slipped under the base.

  • Tamara's story

    Tamara shared with us what motivates her to foster a supportive return to work culture and help YFS employees when they are injured.

  • Keith and Thomas’s Story

    Iceworld CEO Keith shares how he turned things around for both Thomas and the business in this case study.

  • Injury Prevention and Management case studies

    Case Studies to help employers establish and maintain effective injury prevention and management systems.

  • Holy Cross Laundry

    Holy Cross Laundry has improved their stay at work and their claim durations have decreased following their participation in the IPaM program.

  • Employer found not negligent in security

    Karanfilov v MSS Security & Ors [2013] QSC 304. Injured worker suffered post-traumatic stress disorder when he was working as a security guard.