Case studies
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Showing 1-12 of 58 results with 2 filters
Dindas Australia - Onsite traffic management in action
Practical information about the changes Dindas made to their traffic management to make their depots safer in all locations.
Onsite gym and healthy lifestyle program - Port of Brisbane Pty Ltd
The Port of Brisbane Pty Ltd (PBPL), which manages the Port of Brisbane under a 99 year lease from the Queensland Government, has undergone substantial organisational change in recent years. As part of due diligence for the leasing of the port, the new owners identified that workplace health and safety improvements were a priority given the high incidence of 33 injuries recorded in 2010–11.
Russell Transport: Fighting the flu
Drivers at Russell Transport often work independently, constantly moving in and out of offices and interacting with people from all walks of life at multiple workplaces and delivery destinations.
Company slashes workers’ comp claim costs
Airline handling service provider Oceania Aviation has cut its workers’ compensation claim costs by 47 percent in just two years thanks to a major safety overhaul which was embarked upon when its premium costs came close to double the industry average.
Russell Transport: Mental health initiative
The long hours that drivers spend on the road by themselves, the remote locations they travel to and the time spent away from family, can sometimes lead to poor relationships, feelings of isolation, stress and depression. The management team at Russell Transport felt it was important to work with staff to manage these risk factors.
Evidence and symptoms must support damages claim
Bawden v Proserprine Cooperative Sugar Milling Association Ltd 9 April 2015 [QDC 205]. This case highlights that in the case of a psychiatric injury, that evidence and symptoms must support the damages claim.
Industry solutions for managing the risks of workers being hit or crushed by heavy vehicles and trailers
One Queensland business implemented an engineering solution to address the risks associated with working under heavy vehicles. The business purchased a heavy-duty four-post hydraulic truck lift.
Bus Queensland: Linking with community organisations – a low cost health and wellbeing program
Bus Queensland employs approximately 400 people at four depots and provides urban, school and charter bus services to the Park Ridge, Ipswich, Laidley and Toowoomba districts.
Truck Driver Awarded Damages for Faulty Truck Seat
The Plaintiff was a 38 year old truck driver who alleged he sustained a lower back disc protrusion driving a truck with a faulty seat over a period of months.
A foreseeable risk
Schmidt v S J Sanders Pty Ltd, 22 June 2012. This case highlights the need that even experienced truck drivers need to be specifically trained in egress and access of trucks due to the foreseeable risk of slipping off a truck step.
Future economic loss and paid services past retirement age
Cameron v Foster & Lahey T/AS GF Hills Removals & Mini Storage, 29 September 2011. This case study highlights how a Court may rule future economic loss allowances to workers past the age of retirement and make allowances for future paid services that were provided gratuitously by family members.
WorkCover successfully appeals extension of limitation period
Mr Lawson’s knee was injured on 13 April 1999 in the course of pushing a work vehicle to a service station. Mr Lawson alleged the workplace was negligent.