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  • Retail team member return to work checklist

    Retail team return to work checklist and plan

  • Form 23 - Amended notification of lead risk work

    Lead is a highly toxic cumulative poison for which manufacturers and importers must prepare, review, amend and provide Safety Data Sheets and suppliers must provide the Safety Data Sheets and label lead containers.

  • Form 74 - Amendment to existing authorisation

    If your workplace uses, handles or stores prohibited or restricted carcinogenic hazardous chemicals, you may be required to be authorised for those purposes.

  • Form 29 - superceded by Form 17 - Review of decision

    Form 29 is superceded by Form 17. Form 17 allows a business or indiviual to apply for an internal review of a decision under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011, Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011, Electrical Safety Act 2002 or Safety in Recreational Water Activities Act 2011.

  • Injured worker authorisation

    A form whereby an injured worker authorises the communication of information between their medical provider and employer in relation to their worker's compensation claim.

  • Suitable duties program

    For employers to complete. This two-page template creates a four week return to work plan.

  • Group training record

    A sample form to use in recording workers' training

  • Partial incapacity form

    Form 105 - for employers to complete

  • Worker determination form

    This form is for use by policy holder/employer.

  • Form 103 - Administrative release form

    Employers use this one page form to request information to assist with the rehabilitation and return to work of an injured worker, or request information relating to the review of a decision.

  • Form 44 - Provisional Improvement Notice (PINs)

    Provisional Improvement Notice (PIN) form used at the workplace by the Workplace Health and Safety Representative.

  • Form 3 - Incident notification form

    Incident notification (Form 3). Use this form (or the online service) to notify of a serious injury, electrical incident, serious illness, fatality, or dangerous incident at your workplace.