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Showing 13-24 of 98 results for application for compensation form
Form 100 Application for renewal of asbestos removal licence for Class A or B
For use by existing licence holders
Form 31 Application for electrical work licence permit holder
Use this form to apply for an electrical work licence after completion of the training under your electrical work training permit. Please ensure you have confirmed with your registered training organisation (RTO) that a completion statement (Form 39) will be forwarded to our office. Your application will not be processed until a completion statement has been received from them.
Form 108 Application for renewal of accreditation as an assessor for high risk work classes
Application for renewal of accreditation as an assessor forhigh risk work classes (Form 108)
Form 10 - Application for an electrical work licence (apprentice)
Application for an electrical work licence (apprentice), form 10.
Form 101 - Application for renewal of asbestos assessor licence
For use by existing assessor
Boilermaker return to work checklist
Boilermaker return to work checklist and plan
Form 40 - superceded by Department of Education and Training form ATF-012
This form may be used as a Completion Agreement in regard to an apprenticeship under the Further Education and Training Act 2014 (Qld) and as a Completion Statement by a Supervising Registered Training Organisation and Employer under the Electrical Safety Act 2002.
Form 20 Application for additional change of qualified person on a contractor licence
Form20 Use this form to add or change a 'qualified person' or 'authorised parties' on a contractor licence. V 1.12.2020
Form 16 - Application for an electrical work licence
Application for an electrical work licence
Stable hand return to work checklist
Stable hand return to work checklist and plan
Form 21 application for restricted work licence permit not apprentice
Use this form to apply for a restricted electrical work licence other than as a Queensland completing apprentice (Form 10) or under the MutualRecognition Act 1992 or Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Act 2003.
Form 12 Application for renewal reinstatement or recognition of an expired
Use this form to renew your licence before the expiry date or to re-instate a licence expired less than 12 months. V 1.12.2020.