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Showing 1-12 of 306 results with 2 filters
Safe work method statements
A Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) documents a process for identifying and controlling health and safety hazards and risks. PCBU must prepare a safe work method statement prior to commencing any high risk construction work.
Concrete pumping plant issues
Concrete pumping plant has a high risk level therefore it is extremely important to use plant that is manufactured and maintained to high standards.
Safety Leadership Challenge: Supply chain briefing
Asbestos industry case study - Presentation Slides
Natalie Barber, Asbestos Disease Support Society
Technology and MSDs in Construction
Presentation 2: from the Musculoskeletal Disorders Symposium 2017.
The Regulator’s response to occupational lung disease - Presentation Slides
The Regulator’s response to occupational lung disease - presentation deck by Brad Bick of Workplace Health and Safety Queensland.
Construction industry case study - Presentation Slides
Gelly Augostis, HBW Construction
Concrete pumping - Clean out procedures
Cleaning out concrete pumping equipment can be a highly hazardous operation if correct safety procedures are not used.
Update on compliance and enforcement of asbestos laws - Presentation Slides
Presentation slides by Dr Peter McGarry PhD, A/Director (Asbestos Unit) and Chief Safety Advisor (Asbestos).
High Rise Construction industry hotspot
The most common injuries to workers in the construction industry based on accepted workers’ compensation claims.
D2 Information Paper – Requirements to supervise demolition work
This information paper states the competencies a person must have to be regarded as competent to supervise demolition work.
Construction Industry Forum 2019 Presentation
WHSQ Update