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Energy drinks and worker health
Energy drinks are carbonated beverages that often contain high amounts of sugar, caffeine and other substances which have stimulant effects such as guarana, taurine, ginseng, theobromine and theophylline.
PDF 284.6 kB 28 August 2020 -
Labour Hire employers - managing the safety of on-hired workers
Presentation Slides by Anna Hendry and Janine Oberhardt, HopgoodGanimLawyers: 29 November 2016
PDF 1.3 MB 28 August 2020 -
OIR Healthy Food and Drink Policy
This policy is to enhance the health and wellbeing of staff, clients and visitors by supporting the consumption of nutritious food and drinks at all OIR hosted events.
PDF 212.74 kB 28 August 2020 -
Issue resolution fact sheet
The provisions (of the Act) outline how a health and safety issue can be resolved, with the aim of resolving issues as soon as can reasonably be achieved to avoid further dispute or a recurrence of the issue or a similar issue.
PDF 355.23 kB 28 August 2020 -
How does offering suitable duties benefit my business
Helping your worker to get back after anillness or injury at work is an important partof their recovery.
PDF 246.46 kB 11 August 2024 -
Tips for talking to workers after an injury
When a worker is injured at work, a supportive employer reaches out straight away with care and concern. Here are some tips to make that initial contact count.
PDF 100.74 kB 29 October 2024 -
Young people and safety at work: And why it involves you
Fact sheet for young workers on work health and safety
PDF 1.4 MB 28 August 2020 -
yPack- Fact sheet for host employers
Fact sheet for host employers on young workers work health and safety
PDF 1.2 MB 28 August 2020 -
A modern, evidence based approach to workplace wellbeing
presentation by Simon Brown‐Greaves
PDF 2.7 MB 28 August 2020