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Showing 73-84 of 120 results with 2 filters
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Generic Work health and wellbeing policy
This basic policy will help you outline your organisation’s vision for improving employee health and wellbeing.
DOC 154.11 kB 28 August 2020 -
Safety culture interview template
Sample questions you can use to discover the existing safety culture at your company.
DOCX 58.15 kB 28 August 2020 -
Acknowledging our Accomplishments
Excerpt from the mentally healthy workplaces toolkit.
PDF 42.61 kB 28 August 2020 -
Business case - generic template
A business case is the rationale for improving work health and wellbeing in your organisation
DOCX 586.74 kB 28 August 2020 -
Injured at work: This is what you need to do
Use this generic guideline to create information for your workers on what to do if they are injured. Includes rights and responsibilities.
DOC 54.78 kB 28 August 2020 -
Additional lump sum - Date of injury on or after 1 July 2020
Reference table
PDF 521.2 kB 1 July 2024 -
Risk management plan – multiple hazards
A blank sample plan to help develop a risk-management plan. Use this to understand and implement the herirarchy of control in your workplace.
DOCX 171.01 kB 28 August 2020 -
Policy and statement Template
Use this template to create a work health and wellbeing policy or statement for your business. It is a formal document that sets out your organisation's intentions about work health and wellbeing for all staff.
DOCX 453.75 kB 28 August 2020 -
Electrial safety checklist
A general checklist to complete to ensure electrical safety.
PDF 434.2 kB 28 August 2020 -
Active acknowledgement
Activity sheet from the mentally healthy workplace toolkit
PDF 45.65 kB 28 August 2020 -