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High risk work assessor portal – Plant and supporting resource entry

This instructional video covers additional details for an assessment event, in particular plant details and supporting resource entry in the high risk work assessor portal.

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In this video, we'll be covering additional details for an assessment event, specifically the plant details and the supporting resource entry.

You'll see in front of us that we have an assessment event that's in progress. This means that this assessment event has gotten to the day of the first assessment type and it's now started.

So if we scroll down, we can see our sections here for plant details and supporting resources. If we hit either of the plus buttons we can expand those sections. And once we do, we can see the add buttons to add our plant details and our supporting resources.

Keep in mind that when you've planned an assessment event you can also do this. However, it's not mandatory until the event is in progress. So to add plant details, we simply select the add button and we'll be presented with the page, Type.

We'll just enter training plant for this one. Make, just an example, capacity, maybe 10 tons. Serial number.

Now, what you'll notice is that the hours over here is the only field, which is not mandatory. So depending on whether the plant does or doesn't have hours, you'd add your hours in. We'll add a name, a contact number and an address.

Once we've done all that, we can hit the save button. You'll see that now the plant has been added and it's highlighted green. So much like when a candidate is added and it's highlighted green it means that it's been added to the assessment event but it's not saved.

In order to save this plant on this assessment event we need to come down to the bottom, hit the save button. And once we do, you'll see that the plant is now white and it's been persisted to the actual assessment event.

Now, if we need to get in and edit that plant we can hit the edit button. It'll bring up all of the details and we can edit any of the plant details. Alternatively, if we need to remove the plant we can do so by hitting the delete button. And if we need to add another plant we can just hit the add button again and add that plant in.

The second function is the supporting resources. So depending on the class that is being assessed there will, or won't be a supporting resource. If there is, you can hit the add button, and for a supporting resource, you'll provide a name, last name the license number an expiry date.

Now, in this case I'll choose an expirey date quite far in the future. And the state that the high-risk work license is issued. To clarify the supporting resource is for a resource that is assisting the assessor in conducting the assessment. So an example might be a crane operator in a dogging assessment. So you would be putting in the high-risk work license details of the crane operator here.

Once you're done, you hit the save button and you'll notice the same again with the green line. If we hit the save button, we've now persisted that supporting resource to this assessment event. If we need to add another supporting resource we can do so via the add button.

If we need to edit we can select the edit button on the right over here or if we need to delete, we can select the delete button. So in our case here, let's try the delete button. You'll get a confirmation. And if you select, yes, you'll see that now it's red.

Red means that you selected this for deletion but it hasn't been applied, much like the green. If you really want to delete the supporting resource you would head down you would hit the save button, in our case, we don't because we need the supporting resource to complete an assessment event.

So what we'll do is we'll hit the undo button over here on the right, once we do, we can see it's gone back to white.

Just to make sure we've made all those changes persistent, we'll hit the save button, we'll get a little notification and now we've entered our plant and our supporting resource details.