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Showing 37-48 of 86 results for ride ready

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  • Video

    John's story

    Making the roads safer is Senior Constable John Kenworthy’s passion – in fact, since joining the Queensland Police Service and becoming a motorcycle traffic officer, he has built a career around it.

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    Quad bike training

    Even the most experienced riders need to be prepared for the unexpected.

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    Don't overload

    Heavy loads and attachments can make quad bikes unstable.

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    Kids on kids’ bikes

    Adult-sized quad bikes are too large for kids to handle.

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    Medical assessment tribunal

    Medical assessment tribunals make independent expert medical decisions about work-related injury or impairment. This video explains the medical assessment tribunal process for workers.

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    Webinar series

    Explore the recorded live digital events to find out more about safety in the electrical industry.

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    Always wear a helmet

    Wearing a helmet is the best way to minimise the risk of a head injury.

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    People at Work

    People at Work is a validated psychosocial risk assessment survey to help organisations identify the most common psychosocial hazards in their workplace, causing both psychological and physical harm.

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    Addressing workplace bullying

    Workplace bullying is a significant health and safety risk in Australian workplaces, affecting one in 10 workers.

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    Engaging with your workers

    In this webinar presentation, David Whitefield, Director of People and Risk, will apply principles of social psychology to explore social arrangements in the workplace (including culture, language and leadership). You will learn how people make sense of risk, and how you can harness and shape this understanding to more effectively engage workers and increase their participation in workplace health and safety systems.

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    Communicating with doctors - back to basics

    Dr Matthew Brandt, specialist occupational and environment physician, leads this workers' Compensation Regulator webinar, providing insight into the communication process between injured workers, their workplace and the treating doctor. He provides strategies and solutions to enhance the effectiveness of communication in promoting and sustaining an early and safe return to work.

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    The evolving role of safety leaders, Dom O’Brien

    Discover how leaders not only embrace, but also set themselves up for success in a landscape that is constantly changing.