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Showing 73-84 of 86 results for ride ready

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  • Video

    Imagining a Workplace Without Burnout: New Findings and a roadmap to prevention

    Industrial/Organisational psychologist Dr John Chan (Managing Director at Infinite Potential), and wellbeing and burnout expert, researcher, and speaker Sally Clarke (Co Director at Human Leaders) shares the latest findings from the 2022 Global Burnout Study and discuss the misalignment between much hyped burnout prevention strategies and the root causes of burnout. The discussion offers practical advice on what organisations can do to drive attraction and retention through burnout mitigation.

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    Design for workplace diversity, developed by Sara Pazell presented by David Hall

    Learn about how to integrate business unit activity, display good leadership, and advance company strategy through a shared investment in design objectives, measures, and outcomes.

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    Play it safe (Luke Hodge)

    Luke Hodge, ALF Great shares his personal experience with workplace safety, after witnessing a friend in a severe accident, and the aftermath of this.

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    Developing evidence-based and practical solutions for preventing harm in the workplace (Dr Gregory Zelic)

    Dr Gregory Zelic explores the focuses of the Centre for Work Health and Safety and addresses the future of work.

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    How to create a mentally healthy workplace culture and reduce stigma

    With one in five workers likely to experience a mental health condition at any time (whether resulting from a workplace injury or not), it is important that businesses have a strategy to support these workers and help them return to work.

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    Heat stress management - you're doing it wrong!

    In this practical session, you’ll learn about evidence-based approaches to address heat stress. This session will equip you with the knowledge to better manage the risks of occupational heat.

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    Julia Bunn video

    Rehabilitation and return to work plans for psychological injuries.

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    Jodie Deakes panel video

    How effective workplace consultation, representation and participation can improve your health and safety outcomes.

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    How wellness impacts safety - pain science

    This interactive session will explore how new ideas and findings in pain science and fatigue can help us to better understand accidents and how pain presents in the workplace.

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    Achieving mentally healthy workplaces through early intervention

    In this session, Dr Lorraine Stokes and Ngaire Graham explore how to create a culture of early intervention in order to achieve a mentally healthy workplace. You’ll find out why it’s a challenge when intervention doesn’t happen early enough and learn how to recognise the early warning signs of psychological distress and implement strategies to reduce the risk of harm to workers.

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    Dr Sharron O’Neill video

    Measures for mentally healthier work.

  • Video

    Talking mental health with former Olympian Hayley Lewis

    Hayley shares her story during Safe Work Month 2020 and talks all things mental health, resilience and reflects on the highs and lows of her career.