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  • Video

    Tractors - a crushing blow

    You can take some simple steps to prevent yourself from being seriously crushed by a tractor.

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    PPE for equine veterinarians

    Equine veterinarians need to evaluate each horse and use appropriate personal protective equipment for the three main levels of risk.

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    Electrical contractor webinar 2021

    This recorded webinar is for electrical contractors, electricians and anyone working in the electrical industry to hear industry updates and learn more about electrical hazards and mental health.

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    Safety in animal handling

    This films explains solutions to make your stockyard safe for workers.

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    Chemical security for employees

    This film provides general advice to small business employees involved in the sale of chemicals of security concern. What are some suspicious behaviour to look out for? If you suspect it, report it to the National Security Hotline.

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    Jason's story

    Jason’s story is a confronting look at the heartache of losing a son to a preventable workplace incident. Jason Garrels died at just 20.

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    Electrical safety for apprentices

    The Electrical safety for apprentices film is aimed at both apprentices and supervising tradespeople to help to build the capabilities of apprentices to be safe and productive at work. Find out how to give your apprentice the best support, training and mentoring within your business.

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    Coupling and decoupling trailers safely

    Safe coupling and de-coupling of trailers can be unsuccessful and result from poor maintenance, mechanical failure, operator error and can result in a dropped trailer either on-site or on a public road. This film instructs truck operators how to safely couple and de-couple trailers.

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    PErforM network webinar: Sundale

    In this webinar you will hear about how Sundale implemented the PEforM program and the challenges and success they experienced. The Office of Industrial Relations facilitates a network to support organisations implementing the PErforM (Participative Ergonomics for Manual Tasks) program. The network supports workplaces using PErforM to discuss their challenges and share their learnings.

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    Good to get back – Anthony's story

    Paramedic Anthony was diagnosed with a back injury and, at 60 years old, had doubts that he would ever be able to return to the job he loves.

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    Safely securing loads of trucks

    Securing truck loads using over-centre tensioning devices (known as ‘dogs’) with extension or ‘cheater’ bars is dangerous. The film explains how to control the risks when securing loads on trucks using safer devices.

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    Electrical apprentice safety webinar 2021

    This recorded webinar is for electrical apprentices to learn from industry experts and one another about electrical safety, mental health and surviving their apprenticeship!