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  • Video

    Remote and isolated work

    This film outlines how workers in remote or isolated areas are at risk if they don't have good communication options available to them and some solutions to enable a quick rescue should something happen.

  • Video

    Machinery guarding

    A worker lost two fingers and his hand was crushed when it was caught in an unguarded power press.

  • Video

    Electrical arc flash

    Safety film produced by the Electrical Safety Office highlights the serious dangers of electrical arc flashes.

  • Statistics

    Regional industry heat maps

    The regional industry heat maps demonstrate the relative harm by industry for each of the three WHSQ regions: Brisbane, Sunshine Coast and Wide Bay; South West, Logan and Gold Coast; and North and Central Queensland. They include all industries (excluding mining) for all on-duty at place of work claims to the ANZSIC three digit level.

  • Video

    What is the employer's role in a WorkCover claim?

    Working together leads to better outcomes, including a safe and early recovery and return to work for your worker.

  • Video

    The risk is real - one safety switch may not be enough.

    The risk is real - one safety switch may not be enough.

  • Video

    Cater Care IPaM film

    A case study film showcasing the achievements of Cater Care who have graduated from the Injury Prevention and Management (IPaM) program.

  • Tool

    Electrical contractor self-audit

    This self-audit is designed to help you better understand and meet your key electrical safety obligations.

  • Video

    Safe bat handling

    This film discusses the importance of training in the safe handling of bats and wearing personal protective equipment.

  • Video

    2014 Safe Work Awards

    Winners and finalists' films of the 2014 Safe Work Awards - recognising innovation, leadership and commitment to making Queensland workplaces healthier and safer.

  • Statistics

    All business industry heat maps

    The heat maps produced in 2018 compare the index of each industry sector at the three digit ANZSIC level across two Census years, 2011 and 2016.

  • Video

    Electrical exclusion zones

    Contact with powerlines can result in death or serious injury for a worker. Supervisors and workers should assess the risks of working near overhead powerlines or underground electric lines before work commences.