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  • Case study

    Accident not caused by failures

    Wolters v The University of the Sunshine Coast [2012] QSC 298, 5 October 2012. This is another case where the legal term of causation has been examined. The court found the employer breached its duty at common law and in contract by failing to adequately manage the behaviour of the supervisor following the event with the previous worker. However, the court held that the breach did not cause the claimant's loss, as it could not find that any action by the employer would have prevented the supervisor's actions on the day.

  • Case study

    Employer not negligent in crane road accident

    Millard v RI-CO (2004) Pty Limited (In liquidation) [2014] QSC 15 April 2014. An employer was found not to be negligent in its duty of care after a worker was injured driving a crane on a public road without permission.

  • Case study

    Evidence does not support damages claim

    Lewis v Greenmountain Food Processing Pty Ltd 6 June 2014 A Brisbane judge rules against labourer’s claims for damages for personal injuries suffered in the course of his employment at a meat processing plant due to conflicting evidence.

  • Case study

    Credibility of witness statements

    Tep v ATS Australasian Technical Services Pty Ltd [2012] QSC, 7 September 2012. This case was decided on credibility where his honour preferred the evidence of the defendant’s witnesses to that of the workers as to how the event occurred.

  • Case study

    Evidence and symptoms must support damages claim

    Bawden v Proserprine Cooperative Sugar Milling Association Ltd 9 April 2015 [QDC 205]. This case highlights that in the case of a psychiatric injury, that evidence and symptoms must support the damages claim.

  • Case study

    Surveillance and other related issues of credibility

    Barker v Casco Australia Pty Ltd, 07 October 2011. This case study clearly demonstrates the importance of achieving a return to work outcome and that surveillance and other related issues of credibility are subject to the opinion formed by a Court and can be critical in determining the outcome of a quantum only trial.

  • Case study

    Damages awarded for physical and psychological injury

    Harris v State of Queensland [2014] QDC 35 28 February 2014. Liability was admitted by the employer, but a psychiatric injury, which arose after the physical workplace injury, led to the trial to judge the amount of damages.

  • Case study

    Liability admitted but future economic loss disputed

    Haden v Smith's Snackfood Company Ltd [2013] QMC 1 11 February 2013. The plaintiff won in the Magistrates Court, but the decision was successfully appealed due to an incorrect calculation of damages.

  • Case study

    Considering genuine occupational requirements

    Chivers v State of Queensland (Queensland Health) [2014]QCA 141 13 June 2014 The Queensland Court of Appeal recently handed down a decision which helps to clarify employers’ responsibilities in considering whether a particular requirement of a position is a genuine occupational requirement, or, whether adjustments should be made to meet the needs of an employee with an impairment or disability.

  • Publication

    November 2021

    November 2021 edition of Rehabilitation and Return to Work e-bulletin.

  • Guide

    Shifting nutrition - a shift workers guide to nutrition

    A guide for shift workers on healthy eating

  • Guide

    Participative Ergonomics for Manual Tasks (PErforM) Handbook

    This 17 page handbook steps you through applying the 'Participative Ergonomics for manual-tasks' (or PErforM) program. Use it to prevent musculoskeletal injuries from forming during manual-tasks. Suitable for all industries.