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  • Case study

    Safety leadership and culture stories

    Hear from safety leaders sharing their experience building and maintaining a positive safety culture in their workplace.

  • Podcast

    Providing a psychologically safe and positive workplace

    Creating a psychologically safe workplace to improve health outcomes and reduce absenteeism and compensation claims.

  • Video

    Introduction to workplace health and safety

    A trailer showing how Workplace Health and Safety Queensland assists industry in reducing injuries and fatalities in the workplace.

  • Video

    Buildsafe Queensland

  • Video

    Hyne Timber

    Work Well Awards 2023 Category one winner – Best solution to an identified work health and safety issue

  • Case study

    Causation, quantum

    Mr Tyndall was a right handed coal miner who was 50 years old at trial. He alleged he sustained a vibration induced white finger syndrome on his left ring finger as a result of driving two specific types of loaders over a period of time between 1 September 2015 to 1 May 2016.

  • Video

    Safety fundamentals - consultation

    Workplace consultation is essential to managing health and safety risks in your workplace. This two-way exchange between you and your workers has benefits to you, your business and your workers by establishing openness, respect and trust.

  • Video

    Influencing the safety of young workers

    Explore how an understanding of the mind and risk profiles of young workers can influence their health, safety and return to work.

  • Video

    Safe handling when securing loads

    This webinar hosted by Workplace Health and Safety Queensland will help organisations reduce and prevent injuries to workers while securing loads on vehicles. Gain insight to help improve your awareness and capabilities for safer practices when securing loads.

  • Video

    Changing focus – Gavan's story

    Changing focus follows Gavan McGuane's story. He was blinded after a workplace incident where he tripped and fell onto a beer keg.

  • Video

    Vehicle loading cranes workshop 2019

    Vehicle loading cranes' (VLCs) stabilisers and outriggers should always be packed, locked and secured safely for travel.

  • Video

    Electrical safety in the agriculture industry

    Featuring Gavin Thompson from the Electrical Safety Office.