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  • Video
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    High risk work assessor portal – Candidates with partial results

    This instructional video covers how to add candidates with partial results or incomplete results to an assessment in the high risk work assessor portal.

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    Safely immobilising heavy vehicles and trailers webinar

    Queensland workers have been seriously injured or killed from a heavy vehicle or trailer not being effectively immobilised. This webinar hosted provided background on the 2016 "safely immobilising heavy vehicles and trailers" campaign. This webinar includes known risks, suggests control measures and resources available for the transport industry.

  • Video

    Good work design

    Ensuring health and safety by good work design is essential to maintaining your business's productivity and success, its safety record, and to engage and motivate your workers through positive interaction.

  • Podcast

    Engaging with your workforce

    Presented by Daniel Hummerdal, founder and director of Safety Innovation - Art of Work.

  • Video

    The right start - building safe work for young workers

    As a supervisor or manager of a young worker, you have the greatest influence on their attitude to work safety. This means ensuring an appropriate level of supervision relevant to the tasks that they are performing.

  • Video

    Who is a worker and understanding apportionment of liability

    Kym Cavanagh and Pat Hall of Hede Byrne & Hall joins us to present our latest webinar topics (July 2021).

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    Tips for developing suitable duties for a safe return to work

    In this webinar recording, WorkCover Queensland host and co-presenter Tim Meadows, Specialist Lead Return to Work, welcomes guest presenter Michelle Maclean, Occupational Therapist, to discuss the benefits of offering suitable duties to injured workers and to outline what goes into developing a suitable duties plan.

  • Video

    PErforM used by Council of the City of Gold Coast

    The Gold Coast Council implemented the Participative Ergonomics for Manual Tasks (PErforM) program into its business, and has seen some great benefits as a result.

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    Preventing dust from entering mobile and fixed plant cabins

    The re-identification of CWP among Queensland coal mine workers and, more recently, the increase in cases of silicosis among engineered stone workers has reminded us all of the hazards associated with exposure to respirable dust and silica.

  • Video

    Making sense of your workers' compensation insurance obligations

    Webinar hosted by CCIQ. When it's time to renew your WorkCover policy, do you know what you need to do and who you need to cover?