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  • Podcast

    Shane Webcke's message about working on the land

    Listen to Work Health and Safety Ambassador, Shane Webcke's message about working on the land.

  • Video

    Electrical contractor webinar

    Watch the Electrical contractor webinar, designed for electrical contractors, electricians and anyone working in the electrical industry.

  • Video

    High risk work assessor portal – Cancelling assessment event notifications

    This instructional video will show you how to cancel an assessment event in the high risk work assessor portal.

  • Case study

    General induction not enough

    Brunker v Consolidated Meat Group, 29 August 2010. This case study is about a slicer employed at a Rockhampton meatworks that demonstrates employers must give task specific instructions and directions and must provide more than a 'general induction'.

  • Case study

    Hospital found not negligent

    Hyde v State of Queensland [2013] QDC 268 24 October 2013 The plaintiff failed to establish any negligence or breach of contractual obligation on the part of the defendant, in the case of an angina episode relating to a pre-existing condition.

  • Case study

    Is an employer liable for the criminal act of a third party?

    Adlington v Dominos Pizza Enterprises Limited [2016] QDC 84, 15 April 2016. Employers need to assess the possible safety risk from third parties and take appropriate measures to protect their employees.

  • Form

    Form 40 - superceded by Department of Education and Training form ATF-012

    This form may be used as a Completion Agreement in regard to an apprenticeship under the Further Education and Training Act 2014 (Qld) and as a Completion Statement by a Supervising Registered Training Organisation and Employer under the Electrical Safety Act 2002.

  • Guide

    Household workers' insurance policy guide

    A guide to your household workers' insurance policy cover and conditions. Holding an household workers’ insurance policy meansthat you are covered against the costs of compensating ahousehold worker who is injured while working for you.

  • Video

    Hazardous chemicals register

    Workplaces with hazardous chemicals need to keep a register for use by workers.

  • Case study

    Employer not liable for co-worker assault

    Serra v Couran Cove Management P/L, 30 May 2012. This case demonstrates that an employer will not necessarily be liable for a worker’s injuries as a result of a criminal assault by a co-worker.

  • Video

    Managing the risk of psychosocial hazards Code of Practice livestream recording

    Managing psychosocial hazards and risks at work is just as important as managing physical risks. Psychosocial hazards can exist in every workplace, in every industry, every day.