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  • Publication

    April 2021

    April 2021 edition of eSAFE Electrical Newsletter.

  • Publication

    March 2021

    March 2021 edition of eSAFE Electrical Newsletter.

  • Publication

    February 2021

    February 2021 edition of eSAFE Electrical Newsletter.

  • Publication

    January 2021

    January 2021 edition of eSAFE Electrical Newsletter.

  • Podcast

    Industrial Exoskeletons 101: considerations for application, integration and sustainment

    Dr Christopher Reid talks about wearable technology and exoskeletons and how they can help prevent injuries.

  • Video

    Effective return to work coordination – opinions and best practice

    Presented by Anita Johnston this webinar provides practical strategies to reduce lost time injury durations and suitable duties durations, strengthen stakeholder relationships and positively impact medical, psychological, social and financial outcomes.

  • Video

    PErforM overview: Controlling the risks of hazardous manual tasks

    The PErforM webinar, hosted by WorkCover Queensland and presented by Workplace Health and Safety Queensland (WHSQ), provided attendees with an introduction to how PErforM is used to control hazardous manual tasks.

  • Case study

    Employer's duty of care is not absolute

    Baker v Prescare (Corinda) [2014] QDC 159 31 July 2014. This case highlights that while an employer's duty of care is onerous, it is not absolute.

  • Case study

    Damages for care and assistance

    Koven v Hail Creek Coal Pty Ltd, 25 March 2011. Full damages for care and assistance can be awarded where paid care and assistance was provided even just once between the date of injury and trial, despite being provided gratuitously/for free on all other occasions.

  • Video

    High risk work assessor portal – Split assessment event notification result entry

    This instructional video covers split assessment event notifications and allocation in the high risk work assessor portal.

  • Video


  • Case study

    Baker awarded damages after back injury

    Mr Dance was a 44 year old baker who sustained a lower back injury on 1 November 2016, lifting a bowl with mixture weighing approximately 45.2kg. Mr Dance sustained a disc prolapse requiring surgery. Following surgery, Mr Dance obtained alternative employment as a baker earning a higher income than that pre-injury.