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  • Guide

    Farm safety

    Practical solutions to six common causes of injury in the rural industry.

  • Guide

    Participative Ergonomics for manual-tasks (PErforM) program - frequently asked questions

    Frequently asked questions about the PErforM program.

  • Publication

    New arc flash film

    Arc flash incidents happen too often in Queensland—the latest just over a week ago. We have the highest rate of incidents in Australia, which is not something not to be proud of. In the past 11 years, there have been 47 serious incidents and one death.

  • Case study

    Routine tasks not posing foreseeable risk of injury

    Rudd v Starbucks Coffee Company (Australia) Pty Ltd [2015] QDC 232, 22 September 2015. In this case the District Court found the employer not be in breach of its duty to its employees.

  • Case study

    Routine tasks not posing foreseeable risk of injury

    Fatnowna v Acril Quality Testing Services Pty Ltd [unreported] 25 September 2015. In this case the District Court found the employer not to be in breach of its duty to its employees.

  • Case study

    Decision highlights importance of thoroughly briefing staff

    Digby v The Compass Institute Inc and Anor 30 October 2015 [QSC 308]. This decision highlights the importance of properly briefing staff.

  • Publication

    Electrical licensing disciplinary action

    In November and December 2021, the Electrical Licensing Committee took disciplinary action against 14 licence holders, issuing fines and cancelling and suspending licenses.

  • Video

    Understanding common law claims – an accommodation and food services perspective

    WorkCover Queensland partnered with Cooper Grace Ward Lawyers on 17 September 2015 to deliver a webinar to help accommodation-and-food-services employers understand how to minimise the risk of incurring common law claims.

  • Case study

    Employers need to enforce workers to wear PPE

    Tomkins v Kemp Meats Pty Ltd [2013] QDC 184 17 July 2013. For employers, the case serves as an important reminder on the need to enforce the requirement for workers to wear personal protective equipment.

  • Video

    Julia Bunn video

    Rehabilitation and return to work plans for psychological injuries.

  • Case study

    Transit Australia Group

    Through the IPaM program, Transit Australia Group identified strategies to improve safety and reduce associated costs and impacts on the business.

  • Publication

    Testing for correct polarity

    Several installations have been identified where people at the property, or at another property, have received electric shocks due to incorrect polarity of consumer mains or submains.