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  • Video

    Recent cases and developments for liability apportionment in labour hire claims

    Learn about recent cases and developments for liability apportionment in labour-hire claims, and what you can do to reduce your exposure.

  • Publication

    Infinity cable recall reminder

    Queensland’s recall rate of Infinity cable has reached 77 per cent, however there’s still around 177 kms of cable unaccounted for.

  • Video

    David Whittingham video

    Understanding types of violence: An overview and practical approaches for human services.

  • Video

    Greg Tonner video

    Can you afford not to be using technology to manage work health and safety and injury recovery?

  • Guide

    Preventing Dust from Entering Mobile & Fixed Plant Cabins - Presentation Slides

    Preventing Dust from Entering Mobile and Fixed Plant Cabins. Presentation slides by Greg Manthey Inspector of Mines, Occupational Hygiene Qld - DNRME (2019).

  • Guide

    Dominant injury item number to general damages table - From Schedule 9

    Dominant injury item number to general damages table - From Schedule 9 - Ranges of Injury Scale Values of the Workers' Compensation and Rehabilitation Regulation 2014.

  • Case study

    Relationship between two separate injuries

    Hartin v Rigel Constructions Pty Ltd [2013] QSC 320 21 November 2013. The case turned upon the extent to which the first incident caused the derangement of the vertebral disc, and the relationship between the injury sustained in the first and second incident, and the loss and damage caused by the first incident.

  • Publication

    WorkCover Queensland Corporate Plan 2024 - 2028

    Our Corporate plan lists our goals and our strategies to achieve them. The plan is prepared annually by our Board of Directors and agreed upon by our Minister.

  • Video

    Capral Aluminium - Involving workers to develop solutions for hazardous manual tasks

    Learn how Capral Aluminium have helped reduce their risks of manual handling injuries and take the steps to become the most automated and modern plant in Australia.

  • Case study

    Employer not negligent in worker injury

    Campbell v Galaxy Plumbing [2013] QSC 315 18 November 2013. There was no evidence that the task was so physically demanding that it could not be performed by one man who was also carrying out a variety of other jobs. The employer’s failure to provide more labourers was not negligent.

  • Case study

    Prior injuries and future economic loss

    Symons v The Haggarty Group Pty Ltd, 23 March 2011. This case study highlights how the court may consider if there was a reasonable way the employer could have avoided the risk of injury, and how this may affect the outcome.

  • Case study

    No obligation to warn of obvious risk

    Heywood v Commercial Electrical Pty Ltd [2013] QSC 52, 11 March 2013. The duty imposed on employers is to take reasonable care to avoid injury to workers. An employer does not have an obligation to avoid all risks by all reasonably affordable means. The obviousness of the risk and a reasonable expectation that workers will take care of their own safety must be taken into account.