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  • Tool

    Action plan template

    Using results from the Healthy Workplaces survey, create your action plan using this template

  • Case study

    Impact of injury on Economic Loss

    Judge v RH Grey & Son Pty Ltd & Ors [2012] QDC 33. This case demonstrates the impact an injury can have on a worker’s ability to earn income over their working life.

  • Guide

    Focus group guide - Mentally healthy workplaces

    Focus groups can help you identify and analyse emerging psychosocial hazards and inform future planning identified in the risk assessment process.

  • Case study

    Decision explores duty of care and psychiatric injury

    Palmer & Ors v State of Queensland 27 March 2015. This judgement analyses what employee actions can be classified as being within the course of employment and shows that, if an internal investigation process is followed by an employer, there is no special duty of care owed to minimise the risk of psychiatric injury to employees being investigated.

  • Guide

    Combined risk assessments - manual-tasks (hairdressing)

    Example of a manual-tasks risk identification in the hairdressing industry.

  • Guide

    National self-insurer OHS management system audit tool

    This audit tool has been designed to assist those regulators conducting audits using the NAT to understand and apply the audit criteria in a consistent manner.

  • Guide

    Personal hearing protectors – selection

    Information about selecting the correct hearing protector.

  • Video

    Achieving mentally healthy workplaces through early intervention

    In this session, Dr Lorraine Stokes and Ngaire Graham explore how to create a culture of early intervention in order to achieve a mentally healthy workplace. You’ll find out why it’s a challenge when intervention doesn’t happen early enough and learn how to recognise the early warning signs of psychological distress and implement strategies to reduce the risk of harm to workers.

  • Video

    Preventing secondary psychological injury, Dr Curtis Gray

    This session explores how to minimise poor recovery and secondary injury after a claim for workers’ compensation is made.

  • Video

    Trauma informed care and vicarious trauma in healthcare – Dr Melissa Connell

    Dr Connell shares her knowledge and experience from managing the transition of a health care agency to trauma informed care and practice.

  • Form

    FM106 Claim Form

    Use this form to make a claim with WorkCover Queensland or your self-insurer for a work-related illness or injury.

  • Podcast

    The neuroscience of chronic pain

    Presented by Professor Lorimer Moseley.