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Provider panels

Provider panels are made up of independent medical, allied health and legal professionals. They give advice and support to our people and injured workers.

This might include:

  • advice on medical terminology, diagnosis and prognosis
  • return to work support
  • legal advice and common law claims management
  • WorkCover internal training.

We've set up several panels to provide these speciality services. Learn more about each panel in the section below.

Join a panel

If you want to join a panel, you can apply through our open market tender process. This means any qualified person can submit a bid to be on a panel.

Bids are only accepted through an active tender process using the QTenders website. Simply register and activate alerts for tenders that interest you.

Submissions are competitively assessed and selection is guided by the Queensland procurement policy.

Panel term

Panellists are appointed for a limited time period. The length of the contract is different for each panel but generally 2-3 years. All panellists must reapply as part of new tenders if they want to continue on the panel.

Current panel members

Find out who the current panellists are.​​​

Our return to work services panel is made up of independent allied health and vocational providers. These providers work with us to make an injured worker’s return to work possible.

The current contract term will end on 23 February 2025.

Our medical and allied health advisory panel (MAHP) assists us with our rehabilitation and return to work goals.

As a MAHP panel member, you'll give direct support and medical guidance to our customer advisors in their day to day role. This might include:

  • direction on medical terminology and reports
  • interpreting diagnoses
  • advice on expected treatment plan/s and time frames
  • guidance on surgery and private hospitalisation requests.

We may also call on our MAHP panel members to provide internal training to our people.

The current term will end on 30 June 2025.

We may need an independent medical examination (IME) to give additional information or clarify specific medical aspects of a worker's injury.

The current contract term will end on 30 June 2024, with the option to extend for 1 year. WorkCover will decide on the extension 3 to 6 months from the end of the current contract period.

Our Audiology panel is made up of providers who do audiometric testing for workers who've been exposed to a noisy workplace in Queensland.

The current contract term will end on 29 February 2028, with the option to extend for 1 year.

Our legal services panel members work with us to manage, and provide expert legal advice on, common law claims and high quality, customer-focussed outcomes.

The current legal panel contract term will end on 30 June 2026, and there are 2 one-year options to extend. All new tender openings will be announced on the QTenders website and advertised through the Queensland Law Society.

The QTenders website isn't managed by WorkCover. Contact QTenders for any support enquiries about using their site.

Usernames and passwords

Your WorkCover online services usernames or logins won’t work on the QTenders website.

Register as a new user on the QTender website. When you register, you’ll create a username and password specifically for QTenders.