- Home
- Safety & prevention
- Consultation, representation and participation
- Creating safe work
- Good work design
- Business and employer responsibilities
- Workers' rights and responsibilities
- Management commitment
- Consulting with workers
- Managing risks
- Establishing policies and procedures
- Safety roles and duties
- Safety capability, leadership and culture
- Building safety capability
- Systems (processes and structures)
- Culture (leadership and teamwork)
- Competence (skills and motivation)
- Safety capability survey
- Resources
- Action plan guide
- Training and supervision
- Reporting safety
- Workers' compensation and return to work
- Healthy and safe work environment
- Hot desk hygiene
- Hazards
- Electricity
- Electrical arc flash
- Electrical products and equipment
- Testing and maintaining tools and equipment
- Testing and tagging of electrical equipment
- Selling electrical equipment
- Hiring electrical equipment
- Electrical product recalls
- Recall of Brilliant Lighting ceiling mounted LED batten luminaires
- Recall of LG Energy Solution Australia Pty Ltd ESS Home Energy Storage System Batteries
- Ceiling luminaires
- Room heater
- Mist fans
- Fractal wood burning equipment
- DC solar isolator switches
- SKL electrical cables prohibited
- Infinity and Olsent brand cable recall
- Recall of Dielle YK78 Model Residual Current Device (RCD)
- Eaton Quicklag ELQ-TW earth leakage circuit breaker
- Recalls and prohibition notice on Salzer solar DC isolator
- Recall of Clipsal socket outlet 10mA Residual Current Device (RCD) and service panel 10mA RCD
- Electrical safety at work
- Prescribed Electrical Equipment
- Hazardous electrical environments
- Industry-specific electrical hazards
- Powerlines and electrical cables
- Electric vehicle guidance
- Electrical work on or near energised electrical equipment
- Hazards index
- Hazardous chemicals
- Working with large quantities of hazardous chemicals
- Managing hazchem risks
- Specific hazchem risks
- Specific hazchem workplaces
- Specific hazardous chemicals
- Hazchem regulations
- Agencies and contacts
- Hazardous exposures
- Airborne contaminants
- Biological hazards
- Cytomegalovirus (CMV) in early childhood education and care services
- Diseases from animals
- Infection risks from flood recovery and response work
- Infection risks from work with sewage
- Latex allergy
- Legionella risks from work with potting mix and compost
- Lyngbya (blue-green algae)
- Managing mould
- Melioidosis
- Skin infections at work
- Skin penetrating injuries
- Bushfire smoke
- Carbon monoxide in breathing air during air compressor use
- Carcinogens
- Hazardous dusts
- Heat stress
- Lead
- Nanotechnology
- Noise
- Non-potable water
- Pesticides
- Respirable crystalline silica
- Stationary masonry saws
- Handheld power saws
- Handheld power saws for cutting fibre-cement board with a blade diameter of 200mm or less
- Walk-behind saws
- Drivable saws
- Core saws or drills
- Handheld and stand-mounted drills
- Dowel drilling rigs for concrete
- Vehicle-mounted drilling rigs for rock and concrete
- Jackhammers or handheld powered chipping tools
- Handheld grinders for mortar removal
- Handheld grinders for tasks other than mortar removal
- Walk-behind milling machines and floor grinders
- Small drivable milling machines (less than half lane)
- Large drivable milling machines (half lane and larger)
- Crushing machines
- Heavy equipment and utility vehicles for grading and excavating tasks
- Heavy equipment and utility vehicles for demo activities
- Dry sweeping
- Compressed air and blowers
- Skin disorders and exposures
- Spray painting and powder coating
- Sun safety and skin cancer
- Welding
- Phosphine gas
- Hazardous manual tasks
- Workplace hazards
- Ban on Engineered Stone: Protecting Workers’ Health
- Firearms, weapons and stunts on set
- Regulation on processing crystalline silica substances
- Agriculture
- Animal handling
- Casual workers
- Cattle handling
- Children on farms
- Construction in the agriculture, foresty and fisheries workplaces
- Driving plant on the road
- Elevating work platforms
- Emergency preparedness and first aid
- Fruit harvesting and packaging
- Hazardous chemicals
- Health and safety tips for the agriculture, forestry and fishing industry
- Horse handling
- Machinery and equipment
- Manual tasks and noise
- Pig handling
- Safer field palletising on harvest aids
- Farm vehicles and harvesters
- Palletising including field palletising on harvest aids
- Safer palletising
- Loading and unloading cattle
- Fixed plant in packing sheds
- Safer sorting and grading on conveyors
- Safer ways to work out of produce bins
- Safety of older farmers
- Serious about farm safety
- Sheep handling and shearing
- Silo safety
- Stockyard design
- Working with hay bales
- Child care
- Construction
- Designers
- House builders
- Principal contractors
- Work health and safety management plans
- Concrete pumping
- Confined spaces
- Cranes
- Excavations
- Healthy diet and lifestyle
- Mental wellbeing and suicide prevention
- Manual tasks in construction
- Mobile plant
- Nail guns
- Q fever risks and construction work
- Scaffolding
- Security
- Tunnelling
- Tilt-up and pre-cast construction
- Work at heights
- Working on roofs and in ceiling spaces
- Site specific induction
- Dangers in your workplace
- Hazardous area classification (fire and explosion prevention)
- Major Hazard Facilities (MHF)
- Slips, trips and falls
- Transport
- Young workers
- Electricity
- Mental health
- Mentally healthy workplaces toolkit
- Psychosocial hazards
- High and/or low job demands
- Low job control
- Poor support
- Low role clarity
- Poor organisational change management
- Low reward and recognition
- Poor organisational justice
- Poor workplace relationships including interpersonal conflict
- Remote or isolated work
- Poor environmental conditions
- Traumatic events
- Violence and aggression
- Bullying
- Harassment
- Fatigue
- Sexual harassment and sex or gender-based harassment
- People at Work
- Mental health resources
- Social partners
- Relevant legislation
- Health and wellbeing
- Why take care of health and wellbeing at work?
- Managing chronic disease at work
- Supporting an ageing workforce
- Sedentary work
- Be Recognised
- Healthy workplace audit tool
- Case studies and films
- Healthy workers survey
- Health and wellbeing resources
- Alcohol and other drugs
- Framework to manage the risks of alcohol and other drugs at work
- Incidents and notifications
- Worker Consultation, Representation and Participation Strategy 2024-2027
- Claims & insurance
- Work-related injuries
- Compensation claims
- WorkCover insurance
- Self-insurance
- Independent review of insurer decisions
- Appealing a review decision
- Rehabilitation & return to work
- Recovering from injury or illness
- Getting back to work
- Benefits of returning to work
- Planning a return to work
- Suitable duties
- Suitable duties program
- Identifying suitable duties
- Administration officer – Professional services
- Bricklayer
- Bricklayer's labourer
- Builder's labourer
- Butcher and butcher's assistant (wholesale)
- Cabinet maker
- Carpenter
- Childcare worker
- Concreter
- Demolition worker
- Diesel fitter
- Electrician - residential
- Grocery store worker - dairy section
- Grocery store worker - delicatessen
- Physical demands - grocery store worker - delicatessen (roast chickens)
- Physical demands - grocery store worker - delicatessen (cutting, wrapping, replenishing trays)
- Physical demands - grocery store worker - delicatessen (serving customers from the cabinet)
- Physical demands - grocery store worker - delicatessen (deli cool room)
- Grocery store worker - delivery driver
- Grocery store worker - front counter
- Grocery store worker - general
- Hardware – retail, customer service and administration officer
- Mechanic
- Medical record administrator
- Plant operator
- Plasterer
- Plumber
- Retail clothing store worker
- Rigger
- Scaffolder
- Seismic testing line crew
- Site labourer
- Steel fixer
- Storeperson – pharmacy
- Tiler
- Overcoming challenges
- Safely returning to work after a mine dust lung disease diagnosis
- Employment alternatives
- Rehabilitation and return to work guidelines for insurers
- Our accredited rehabilitation and return to work program
- Licensing & registrations
- Table of fees
- Work health and safety licences
- What licence do I need?
- Asbestos licences
- Cranes and hoists
- Boom type elevating work platform - WP
- Bridge and gantry crane licence - CB
- Concrete placing boom - PB
- Materials hoist with cantilever platform - HM
- Personnel and materials hoist - HP
- Reach stacker - RS
- Slewing mobile cranes
- Vehicle loading cranes
- Other cranes
- Crane encompassment and high risk work
- Earthmoving or particular crane occupational classes
- Demolition work licence
- Forklift truck
- General construction induction
- Lifts and escalators
- Pressure equipment
- Rigger and dogger
- Scaffolding licences
- Driving plant on the road
- Apply, renew or replace licences
- Licence fees
- When don't I need a licence?
- Interstate licences
- Update your existing paper based certificate
- Appealing a licensing decision
- What licence do I need?
- Work health and safety training
- Rehabilitation and return to work coordinator training
- Plant registration
- Plant design registration
- Electrical licences
- Classes of licences
- Apply for or renew electrical worker licences
- Electrical contractor licences
- Renew or reinstate your electrical contractor licence
- Change your licence details, replacement or additional cards
- Interstate, overseas and defence force applicants
- Issuing certificates of compliance
- Disciplinary action against electrical licence holders
- Appealing a licensing decision
- Electrical training
- Asbestos removal and licensing
- Self-insurance auditor licences
- Laws & compliance
- Codes of practice
- Scaffolding code of practice 2021
- Managing respirable dust hazards in coal-fired power stations Code of Practice 2023
- Rural plant Code of Practice 2024
- Work health and safety consultation, cooperation and coordination Code of Practice 2021 changes
- Managing the risk of psychosocial hazards at work Code of Practice 2022
- Managing respirable crystalline silica dust exposure in construction and manufacturing of construction elements Code of Practice 2022
- Managing risks in stevedoring Code of Practice 2023
- Amusement Devices Code of Practice 2023
- Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2024
- Electrical Safety and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2024
- Electrical Safety and Other Legislation Amendment Regulation 2024
- Work Health and Safety and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2024
- Work Health and Safety (Amenities for Construction Work) Amendment Regulation 2024
- Work health and safety laws
- Electrical safety laws
- Workers' compensation laws
- Guidance materials
- High risk industries
- Unpaid interns and workers’ compensation
- Workers' compensation benefits including QOTE
- Protection for apologies and expressions of regret
- Dismissal protection for injured workers
- Disclosure of pre-existing injuries or medical conditions
- Decisions about payments of compensation
- Payment of lump sum compensation to a solicitor’s trust account
- Early intervention and employee assistance programs
- Weekly compensation when a worker’s employment ends
- Reporting injuries
- WorkCover Queensland gazette notice
- Maintaining the workers' compensation scheme
- Statutory reviews of Queensland’s workers’ compensation scheme
- Report a claim farmer
- Claim Farming - Frequently asked questions
- Guidance materials
- Compliance and enforcement
- Our approach
- Audits and inspections
- Electrical safety audits
- Information for appointed accredited auditors
- High voltage installations
- Hazardous areas
- Safety management systems audits
- 'Like for like' electrical equipment replacement
- Conditions of Office – Hazardous Area or High Voltage Accredited Auditors
- Conditions of Office – Electricity Entities Safety Management Systems Accredited Auditors
- Hazardous area and high voltage accredited auditors renewal application guide
- Workplace inspections
- Insurance premium compliance
- Accredited auditors for government building and construction projects
- Electrical safety audits
- Enforceable undertakings
- Penalties
- Industry interventions and campaigns
- Whole of industry interventions
- Agriculture, forestry and fishing audits and assessments
- Construction industry interventions and campaigns
- Manufacturing industry interventions and campaigns
- Meat processing compliance campaign 2022–2023 findings
- Safety in sawmilling industry campaign
- Q fever risk management in livestock industry campaign
- Fixed plant campaign
- Queensland poultry processing industry and labour hire campaign
- Knife sharpening programs in the red meat processing industry
- Preventing eye and hand injuries campaign
- Transport and storage industry interventions and campaigns
- Respirable crystalline silica campaign
- Other industries
- Prosecutions
- Work health and safety and electrical safety prosecutions
- Workers' compensation prosecutions
- Workers' compensation prosecution outcomes
- Brisbane, 26 November 2024
- Cairns, 25 October 2024
- Brisbane, 3 July 2024
- Brisbane, 15 May 2024
- Brisbane, 30 April 2024
- Brisbane, 7 March 2024
- Brisbane 18 January 2024
- Townsville 18 September 2023
- Brisbane 27 April 2023
- Brisbane 27 February 2023
- Hervey Bay, 13 February 2023
- Brisbane 14 December 2022
- Brisbane 13 May 2022
- Man pleads guilty for return to work as a carer
- Case 1
- Case 10
- Case 11
- Case 12
- Case 13
- Case 14
- Case 15
- Case 16
- Case 17
- Case 18
- Case 19
- Case 2
- Case 20
- Case 21
- Case 22
- Case 23
- Case 24
- Case 25
- Case 26
- Case 27
- Case 28
- Case 29
- Case 3
- Case 30
- Case 31
- Case 32
- Case 33
- Case 34
- Case 35
- Case 36
- Case 37
- Case 38
- Case 39
- Case 4
- Case 40
- Case 41
- Case 42
- Case 43
- Case 44
- Case 45
- Case 5 and 6
- Case 7
- Case 8
- Case 9
- Gladstone, 21 May 2014
- Holland park, 22 January 2015
- 22-09-2020 Brisbane
- 31-07-2020 Coolangatta
- 10-06-2020-Toowoomba
- 09-03-2020-Southport
- 21-02-2020-Brisbane
- Man pleads guilty for return to work as a bouncer
- 13-01-2020-Southport
- 24-01-2020-Brisbane
- 03-12-2019-Townsville
- 21-11-2019-Maroochydore
- 12-11-2019-Southport
- 10-10-2019-Brisbane
- 01-03-2019-Brisbane
- 02-07-2018-Brisbane
- 02-08-2019-Brisbane
- 03-11-2016-Brisbane
- 03-11-2017-Beenleigh
- 04-02-2019-Brisbane
- 04-05-2017-Maroochydore
- 04-07-2017-Brisbane
- 04-11-2016-Brisbane
- 05-05-2017-Brisbane
- 05-06-2017-Brisbane
- 05-06-2017-Caboolture
- 06-11-2018-Brisbane
- 07-07-2017-Beenleigh
- 10-05-2019-Brisbane
- 12-02-2018-Brisbane
- 12-02-2019-Townsville
- 12-07-2017-Southport
- 13-03-2018-Townsville
- 14-02-2017-Southport
- 15-03-2019-Gladstone
- 17-03-2017-Brisbane
- 17-08-2017-Brisbane
- 17-08-2018-Brisbane
- 18-01-2019-Brisbane
- 18-10-2019-Brisbane
- 20-01-2017-Brisbane
- 20-01-2017-Brisbane
- 20-07-2018-Brisbane
- 21-04-2017-Brisbane
- 21-04-2017-Brisbane
- 22-01-2018-Brisbane
- 22-10-2019-Townsville
- 24-07-2017-Ipswich
- 29-06-2017-Proserpine
- 30-07-2018-Brisbane
- Beenleigh, 07 November 2014
- Beenleigh, 5 June 2015
- Brisbane, 12 December 2016
- Brisbane, 13 May 2016
- Brisbane, 15 July 2016
- Brisbane, 15 May 2015
- Brisbane, 19 December 2016
- Brisbane, 19 March 2015
- Brisbane, 21 May 2015
- 20/11/2020 Brisbane
- 24-02-2021-Southport
- 01-03-2021-Brisbane
- 16-10-2020-Brisbane
- 3-07-2021-Brisbane
- 24-02-2021-Southport
- 10-06-2021-Beaudesert
- 23-06-2022-Brisbane
- 2-08-2022 Brisbane
- 29-09-2022-Redcliffe
- 16-08-2022-Richlands
- 16-06-2022-Brisbane
- 11-08-2022-Brisbane
- 04-03-2022-Brisbane
- 21-07-2022-Kingaroy
- 15-07-2021-Maroochydore
- 23-07-2021 Brisbane
- 12-08-2021 Brisbane
- 13-08-2021-Brisbane
- 20-09-2021-Mackay
- 20-09-2021-Brisbane
- 17-09-2021 Brisbane
- 10-11-2021 Brisbane
- 25-11-2021 Brisbane
- 29-11-2021 Townsville
- 24-09-2021 Maroochydore
- 19 January 2022 - Cairns
- 11-10-2022 Caloundra
- 4-02-2022 Caboolture
- 28-04-2022 Mackay
- 13-02-2023 Southport
- 19-01-2023 Townsville
- 28-09-2022 Townsville
- 2-12-2022 Brisbane
- 28-07-2023 Beenleigh
- 24-01-2023 Caloundra
- 21-03-2023 Brisbane
- 12-06-2023 Southport
- 30-05-2023 Beenleigh
- 14-03-2022 Southport
- 17-01-2022 Cairns
- 17-04-2023 Caloundra
- Workers' compensation prosecution outcomes
- Workers’ compensation compliance notices
- Dispute resolution
- Discriminatory, coercive and misleading conduct
- Workplace entry by WHS entry permit holders
- Codes of practice
- Your industry
- Accommodation and food services
- Administrative and support services
- Agriculture, forestry and fishing
- Arts and recreation services
- Construction
- Diving, snorkelling and recreational water activities
- Education and training
- Electrical
- Financial and insurance services
- Gas, water and waste services
- Health care and social assistance
- Information media and telecommunications
- Labour hire
- Manufacturing
- Mining
- Other services
- Professional, scientific and technical services
- Public administration and safety
- Rental, hiring and real estate services
- Retail trade
- Sex work
- Transport, postal and warehousing
- Wholesale trade
- Resources
- Campaigns
- Ambassadors
- Electrical Safety Fortnight 2024
- Snorkel safety challenge 2024
- Farm safety calendar competition
- Quad bikes are Queensland farming’s biggest killer
- Mental Health Week
- Learn more about the artwork and theme
- Support Mental Health Week
- Navigating psychosocial hazards and factors within the workplace
- De-escalating aggression and violence in the workplace
- The power of perspective in redressing sexual harassment culture
- Addressing workplace bullying
- Developing suitable duties to support a worker with psychological injury
- Shifting the Dial on the regulation of mental health at work
- Regulating Mentally Healthy workplaces
- Imagining a workplace without burnout: new findings and a roadmap to prevention
- Suicide prevention for at-risk industries
- Diversity and inclusion for mentally healthy workplaces
- Nested content
- Back to basics: how to do a risk assessment for psychosocial hazards at work
- Let's work on mentally healthy workplaces
- Safety Advocates
- Work Well Awards 2023
- 2023 award winners and finalists
- Award categories
- Category one – Best solution to an identified work health and safety issue (Organisation/business entry)
- Category two – Best individual contribution to work health and safety (Individual entry)
- Category three – Best solution to an identified electrical issue (Organisation/business entry)
- Category four – Most significant improvement to work health and safety performance (Organisation/business entry)
- Category five – Best commitment to work health and wellbeing (Organisation/business entry)
- Category six – Best demonstrated healthy and safe work design (Organisation/business entry)
- Category seven – Injured worker achievement award (Individual entry)
- Category eight – Best rehabilitation and return to work management system (Organisation/business entry)
- Category nine – Best individual contribution to rehabilitation and return to work (Individual entry)
- Category ten – Best demonstrated leadership in work health and safety and return to work systems (Individual or organisation entry)
- Archive
- Entering the awards
- Terms and conditions of entry
- Sponsors
- Resources
- Previous winners and finalists
- 2022 awards winners
- 2021 award winners
- 2019 award winners
- Example entries
- Videos
- Image gallery
- Previous winners and finalists
- SWRTWA campaign snippet
- Safe Work Month 2024
- SWM content snippets
- Register your interest to become a sponsor / exhibitor
- Work Well Speaker Series 2024
- Safe Work Month resources
- Work Well Speaker Series 2023
- The 3M’s: meaningful, manageable, manual tasks – managing the risks of musculoskeletal disorders (Dr Sara Pazell)
- Controlling noise in the workplace (Marion Burgess AM)
- The importance of work safety (Jade North)
- Staying safe at work (Kevin Walters)
- Play it safe (Luke Hodge)
- The impacts of workplace injury on families (Riana Crehan)
- Promoting workplace safety for young employees (Jahin Tanvir)
- Developing evidence-based and practical solutions for preventing harm in the workplace (Dr Gregory Zelic)
- Good work design – theory and solutions to support injury prevention (Dr Carlo Caponecchia)
- Work Well 365 Speaker Series 2022
- Safe Work Month and Mental Health Week 2021
- Safe Work Month and Mental Health Week 2020 presentations
- Intelligence-enabled workplace health and safety
- Talking mental health with former Olympian Hayley Lewis
- Suicide prevention for young workers in the construction industry
- Heat stress management - you're doing it wrong!
- Safety fundamentals - Small and medium sized business workshop
- How wellness impacts safety - pain science
- Safety clutter and what to do about it
- Stress resilient leadership, and the why, how and what of workplace wellbeing
- Preventing secondary psychological injury, Dr Curtis Gray
- Trauma informed care and vicarious trauma in healthcare – Dr Melissa Connell
- Using cultural capability to create mentally healthy and safe workplaces
- Managing the greatest barrier to return to work: fear – Dr Sid O'Toole
- Achieving mentally healthy workplaces through early intervention
- Managing the challenges of health and safety in a multigenerational workforce
- Managing the mental health impacts of remote and isolated work (panel discussion)
- Wellbeing anchors at work: powerful tool to improve workplace health, safety, productivity and build resilience in crisis
- Mental Health Week 2020 - A conversation with Simon Black
- Injury Prevention and Return to Work Conference 2019 presentation podcasts
- Mental Health: The Perfect Storm
- The neuroscience of chronic pain
- The science of sleep and fatigue in the workplace
- Managing heat stress in the workplace
- Human factors in safety critical domains
- Injured worker engagement: overcoming perception-based barriers to return to work
- Secondary psychological injuries and PTSD
- Tailored care and support to meet individual needs
- The future of office design, computer-based work and changes in technology
- Creating psychologically healthy workplaces
- Intelligent Not Artificial - the future of work and why we'll still have baristas (not coffee machines) in the year 2040
- Safe Work Month and Work Well 365 - Resources order form
- Work Well Speaker Series 2023
- Work Well Regional Breakfast Forums program 2024
- Making workplaces safer for everyone, every day
- Case studies
- Injury Prevention and Management case studies
- IPAM films
- Cook Medical: on the road to recovery
- Cater Care Group: Emphasising capacity, not limitation
- Modern Teaching Aids
- Holy Cross Laundry
- Gay Constructions Pty Ltd
- Company slashes workers’ comp claim costs
- All Access Crewing Pty Ltd: The show must go on..safely
- National Glass
- Goldsteins Bakery
- Diesel Parts and Service: Improving culture to reduce injuries
- Stellar Asia Pacific
- Integrated Family and Youth Service
- Transit Australia Group
- Fresh take on safety leads to real results
- Shred-X: Developing a national safety plan
- Engaging workers and management when identifying risk
- Barry Bros Specialised Services Pty Ltd (Toxfree Australia)
- SEE Civil reaps rewards for tackling return to work head on
- Taking good care of safety at childcare centre
- Engaged employees own The Jetty Specialist's safety transformation
- Wesley Mission: how acting smarter is saving workers and money
- Keith and Thomas’s Story
- Tamara's story
- Injury Prevention and Management case studies
- Forms
- Guides
- Starting a business
- Guide to health and safety laws
- If an injury or illness occurs
- Getting back to work
- Safe work method statements
- Declaring wages for labour hire companies
- Preventing injuries in poultry processing
- Duties of high voltage electrical installation owners and operators
- Supporting workers with mental injuries
- Supervisor Quick Reference Guide: Supporting workers to recover after a work injury
- Podcasts
- Podcast help
- Agriculture safety campaign 2016 podcasts
- Using drones to improve safety and efficiency in cattle yards
- Medical support podcasts
- Providing a psychologically safe and positive workplace
- Queensland construction work health forum 2016 podcasts
- Sun safety at work
- What is our critical risk in construction?
- Designing work for your workforce: Younger and older workers
- Good. Better. Best. Applying good work design principles to maximise health and wellbeing
- Who is at risk of too much sitting in construction?
- Mood and food: Improved productivity through a healthier workforce, an industry case study.
- Communicating effectively with your workforce
- Small business health and wellbeing master class
- Engaging with your workforce
- Drugs and alcohol in construction
- Alert at work - a practical approach to identifying and managing workplace fatigue risks
- Industry case study
- Mental health in construction presentation
- Construction industry profile: impacts now and for the future
- Work health and wellbeing forum 2019 presentation podcasts
- MSD Symposium 2021
- Industrial Exoskeletons 101: considerations for application, integration and sustainment
- Preventing MSDs during the design stage
- Addressing sedentary behaviour: occupational sitting - an emerging workplace health and safety issue
- Living like the world’s longest-lived people
- Smart work design: now and into the future
- Work health and safety data: business intelligence, distraction or fake news
- Publications
- Statistics
- Data hub
- Research
- Performance
- Reports
- Tools
- Tools
- Videos
- Public consultation on Work Health and Electrical Safety Policy
- Campaigns
- Service providers
- News and updates
- Working with WorkCover
- Fees
- Medical providers
- Allied health and return to work providers
- Legal professionals
- Representing employers and workers
- WorkCover Queensland legal services panel
- Policy and procedure regarding the review process
- Common law online services
- Filing an appeal against a review decision on a claims matter
- Plaintiff lawyer resources
- Common Law Rehabilitation and Return to Work Policy
- Common Law Disclosure Policy
- Common Law Joint Liability Policy
- Common Law Limitation Period Policy
- Common Law Over Period of Time Injuries Policy
- Common Law Unassessed Injuries
- Assessment for the Degree of Permanent Impairment
- Advance Payment on Damages Guidelines
- Early Resolution of Common Law Disputes Guidelines
- Registered providers for serious personal injuries
- Services
- News & events
- News
- 2025
- 2024
- Asbestos safety risk from high pressure water hoses in focus for Asbestos Awareness Week
- Nominate to join the Consultative Committee for Work-Related Fatalities and Serious Incidents
- New electrical safety laws - protecting workers and the community
- Queenslanders need to work safely 365 days a year
- Court orders $400,000 fine after a fatality at a sporting complex
- New regulation on processing crystalline silica substances in effect (1 September 2024)
- Safety a priority for the diving and snorkelling industry
- Workplace health and safety laws now apply to sex industry workers
- Compliance blitz targets construction industry
- Upcoming asbestos management compliance audits for Queensland businesses
- WorkCover fraud leads to five months imprisonment
- Work health and safety laws - clarified and stronger
- Company's 'failure to provide' results in $24,000 workers' comp fine
- New safety laws for quad bikes
- Company fined $150,000 for failing to adhere to electrical safety regulations
- Ban on engineered stone in effect (1 July 2024)
- Engineered stone ban in effect from 1 July 2024
- Joint WHSQ and Department of Environment, Science and Innovation investigation into asbestos in mulch
- Waste transfer and recycling business fined $140,000 for fatality
- Townsville business and director fined over trailer collapse in spray painting booth
- Diving fall at aquatic centre leads to $125,000 fine
- Opportunity to join Queensland’s Medical Assessment Tribunals
- Sparkie fined $10,000 for live switchboard in Sunshine Coast classroom
- New code of practice for amusement rides
- Electric shock results in $85,000 fine for aquatic centre
- Hefty fine for house demolition with complete disregard for asbestos laws
- Pie company fined after worker suffers multiple fractures
- WorkCover Queensland CEO Bruce Watson retiring
- Allied Health Services Tables of Costs review for 2024-2025
- Scott's story
- WorkCover Queensland customers continue to benefit from one of Australia’s lowest average premium rates
- New Chief Executive for WorkCover Queensland
- Updated Allied Health fees – effective 1 July 2024
- Time to renew your WorkCover accident insurance policy
- Public Health Services Table of Costs update – effective 1 July 2024
- New mental injury resources from WorkCover to help employers support workers
- New statewide campaign to reduce fatalities and critical injuries
- Return to Work Services Table of Costs update
- Annual update of Private Hospital Services Table of Costs
- Medical Tables of Costs review for 2024
- Safe Work Month focuses on being safe 365 days of the year
- Annual update of Private Hospital Services Table of Costs
- Annual update of Medical Tables of Costs
- WorkCover partnership helps electricians stay strong
- Chris' story
- 2023
- Coomera marine centre fined $90,000 for workplace injury
- Company fined $60,000 for exposing workers to trench collapse risk
- Construction sites urged to prepare for wild weather and summer shutdown
- Queensland ready for 2023 Asbestos Awareness Week
- Queensland energy supplier fined $300,000 after powerline fatality
- Gold Coast nightclub faces the music in court
- Electrician prosecuted for unsafe electrical work in ceiling spaces
- Scaffolding interference results in $8000 fine for roofer
- Piling contractor fined $40,000 after pressure explosion on Western Downs
- Unlicensed electrical apprentice fined $45,000 for illegal, dangerous work
- Rocklea tyre recycling business second conviction following $650,000 fine
- Calling all sparkies - connect with us for Electrical Safety Week
- Electrical Safety Office director awarded by Standards Australia
- Business and supervisor fined $55,000 following worker’s seven metre rooftop plunge
- Queensland’s 2023 Work Well Awards finalists announced
- Put your safety achievements on show at the 2023 Work Well Awards
- Have your say on quad bike safety
- Fatal helicopter incident on the Gold Coast
- Electrician cops huge fines for unsafe electrical work
- Unlicensed sparkie cops $40,000 fine for illegal electrical work
- Consumer warning: Safe use and charging of electric scooters
- Review into Queensland’s workers’ compensation scheme
- New national strategy paves the way for safer and healthier work
- Tour operator fined $250,000 for health and safety breach
- Annual review of Allied Health Services Tables of Costs for 2023-2024
- Employer obligations in common law claims
- Annual review of the Public Health Services Table of Costs for 2023-2024
- Workers remembered on international memorial day
- Release of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Qld) Review Report
- Contributory negligence found against hospital worker who injured shoulder
- WorkCover continues to offer Queenslanders exceptional value and a sustainable fund
- Updated Allied Health fees - effective 1 July 2023
- Public Health Services Table of Costs update – effective 1 July 2023
- Glen's story
- WorkCover Queensland invests in the safety of forklift users
- Queensland gets ready to Work Well
- John's story
- High Court clears employer of vicarious liability in unusual workplace incident
- Joint initiative aims to reduce plumbers’ risk of injury
- Annual review of Medical Table of Costs
- Audiology panel tender now open
- Annual update of the Private Hospital Services Table of Costs
- Annual update of Medical Tables of Costs
- Safety audit reveals manufacturing and spray-painting businesses failing to meet health and safety duties
- Sandra's story
- 2022
- Events
- 2025
- Mentally healthy workplaces workshops 2025
- 2024
- Webinar: Workplace bullying and harassment claims and reasonable management action
- Webinar: Workers' compensation in the hybrid work environment
- SWM 2024
- MHW 2024
- ESF 2024
- Webinar: The crucial role of record keeping for workplace injuries
- Mental Injury Webinar Series: PART ONE - Lived Experience
- Mental Injury Webinar Series: PART TWO - The Employer Response
- Terms and conditions for events requiring registration payment
- Alerts
- Incident alerts
- 2025
- 2024
- Worker injured after refrigerator fall
- Worker injured after fall through roof
- Two separate fatalities involving side-by-side vehicles
- Fatal incident resulting from electric shock injuries
- Worker killed in elevating work platform rollover
- Mechanic crushed under prime mover
- Two incidents involving young workers and trailers
- Fatal incident involving farm machinery
- Snorkelling fatalities in Central and North Queensland
- Worker seriously injured after being struck by forklift
- Worker killed in elevating work platform incident
- Worker seriously injured in fall from balcony
- Workers sustain serious injuries from two separate conveyor incidents
- Four workers injured in three separate falls from roofing incidents
- Roofer injured after fall at construction site
- Worker fatally injured by gate
- Fatal hay bale incident
- Two serious incidents involving falls from ladders
- Fatal hot work incident
- Young worker suffers electric shock
- A tractor has rolled causing fatal crush injuries to operator
- Working remotely and isolated
- Incidents involving high-pressure water spray equipment on asbestos roofs
- Two workers injured in fire and explosion at boatyard
- Fatal fall from height incident
- Worker killed in trailer rollover
- Snorkelling fatalities
- Worker seriously injured by falling scaffold plank
- Three incidents involving electric shock when plant contacted or came within striking distance of overhead powerlines
- Fatal fall from boat in marina yard
- Bridge and gantry crane serious incidents
- 2023
- Four overhead powerline incidents involving plant and machinery
- Person electrocuted digging trench
- Worker’s foot injured in auger incident
- Worker injured while inflating truck tyre
- Young construction worker impaled by crowbar
- Operator killed in bulldozer rollover
- Heat related illness incident
- Mobile concrete placing boom rollover
- Injury to young worker caused by racking system failure
- Worker died when trapped between forklift and vehicle hoist
- Fatality of skid steer loader operator
- Worker injured operating a stand on pallet mover
- Four workers injured in gas explosion
- 12-year-old jumps from amusement ride when safety harness releases
- Two falls through skylights, one fatal
- Amputation and crush injuries from fixed plant and machinery
- Worker struck by mobile crane hook block
- Worker trapped in overturned dump truck
- Worker sustained fatal injuries when tractor veered over an embankment and rolled
- Young worker seriously injured by drop saw
- Fatal incident involving semi-trailer tipper
- Fatal fall from shed roof
- Worker killed by falling pool shell
- Worker fatally injured by chain
- Worker fatally injured when struck by log
- Excavator bucket strikes construction worker
- One swimming pool drowning and one near drowning
- Worker injured by fallen forklift carriage and tines
- 2022
- Electricity meter contractor fatally attacked by dogs
- Worker seriously injured by slicing machine
- Worker killed in farm ute rollover
- Worker sustained fatal injuries from tractor rollover
- Operators killed by mobile plant
- Fatal incident involving the unloading of construction materials
- Workers injured by front-end loader bucket
- Serious fire and explosion injuries in three hot work incidents
- Workers injured in formwork collapse
- Worker’s leg crushed by steel sheet dropped from crane
- Young worker struck by heavy timber sheets
- Snorkelling fatalities
- Worker seriously injured in three metre fall from roof
- Worker seriously injured after being pulled under farm trailer
- Worker struck by truck body tray
- Worker seriously injured after fall from a ladder
- Workers killed by mobile plant
- Worker crushed by tractor
- Worker fatally struck by vehicle
- High-pressure cleaners on asbestos roofs
- Fixed machinery incidents, including two fatalities
- Fatal roadside incident
- Young worker suffers cryogenic burns
- Mobile crane wire hoist rope failure
- Worker fatally crushed unpacking shipping container
- Forklift gas bottle ignites injuring two workers
- Falls into ground level holes
- Worker’s hand partially amputated by a saw
- Worker seriously injured when struck by hay bale
- Worker seriously injured after falling through a ceiling panel
- Chemical reaction exposes worker to toxic gas
- Worker struck by steel post at construction site
- Worker injured after asphalt plant hits elevating work platform
- Dangerous falling object incidents in construction
- Workers injured by stone slabs
- Mobile concrete placing boom overturn incidents
- Worker struck in abdomen with stun gun
- Electrical worker fatality
- Worker fatally crushed after car falls off jack
- Apprentice killed by hydraulic hook lift system
- Three serious forklift incidents – one fatal
- Man seriously injured when elevating work platform overturned
- Workers struck by moving vehicles
- Four injured in workplace explosion
- Worker seriously injured by dough mixer
- Mobile crane rollover at construction site
- Fatal incident involving garbage truck
- Quad bike fatality on a rural property
- Incidents involving contact with overhead powerlines
- 2021
- Worker burned following chemical explosion
- Overhead powerline incidents
- Fall from construction site scaffold
- Worker dies after being struck by mobile crane
- Scaffold related incident
- Use of high-pressure water spray equipment on asbestos roofs
- Worker falls from elevating work platform
- Truck driver exposed to phosphine gas
- Worker killed by piece of metal ejected from unguarded angle grinder
- Worker seriously injured in construction site fall
- Worker suffers electric shock forming concrete slab
- Mobile crane rollover at residential construction site
- Contractor seriously injured by wetting auger
- Skid steer loader incidents
- Worker seriously injured after fall from roof
- Workers struck by mobile plant
- Forklift operator seriously injured by falling pallet
- Arc flash incidents
- Water truck operator killed after being thrown from cab
- Tractor incidents
- Worker killed in industrial shredding machine incident
- Person falls from tank
- Worker fatally injured attempting to jump start a tractor
- Worker falls from forklift
- Worker killed by falling branch while felling trees
- Worker seriously injured in fall from roof
- Falling object from tower crane
- One worker killed and six injured when powerline arced to harvester
- Worker fatally crushed after being hit by moving vehicle
- Worker seriously injured by wood chipper disk
- Safety at swimming pools
- 2020
- Falling building materials
- Fatal quad bike incidents involving farm workers
- Worker struck by moving truck
- Falls from height result in serious injuries
- Workers caught in conveyor belt system
- Patron injured falling from amusement ride
- Worker injured in side-by-side vehicle rollover
- Horse training fatality
- Dead trees and working solo remotely are a dangerous mix
- Fall from earthmoving machinery
- Farm worker dies in quad bike incident
- Serious injuries – falling hay bale
- Roof falls
- Worker struck by grader
- Falling tree fatality
- Horse handling fatality
- Falls from work platforms
- Worker killed in conveyor crush
- Young worker injured by lifting hook
- Worker injured in quad bike incident
- Crush incidents when loading/unloading
- Worker seriously crushed by frontend loader
- Dangers of not effectively immobilising vehicles
- Worker seriously injured by noodle making machine
- Worker’s arm crushed by excavator
- Worker seriously injured falling from trailer
- Two workers injured by tractor slasher
- Serious injuries following fall from yacht
- Worker injured after angle grinder ‘kick back’
- Worker seriously injured after fall from roof
- 2019
- Fatal forklift incidents
- Fatal falls on work sites
- Formworkers suffer heat stress
- Worker injured by collapsed roof
- Fatal fall at tourist attraction
- Worker burned in fuel explosion
- Incident at Public Swimming Pool
- Worker fatally trapped in conveyor
- Worker injured on construction site
- Student burned in science experiment
- Worker killed after tyre explosion
- Worker fatally crushed by steel pipe
- Crane contacts overhead powerlines
- Farmer fatally injured by fallen hay bale
- Worker struck by building materials
- Workers injured in trench collapse
- Worker fatally crushed by planting machine
- Young worker injured by exploding tyre rim
- Worker burned by hot cane mud and liquid
- Operator severely injured by skidder winch
- School student injured by storage box lid
- Worker’s legs crushed by reversing forklift
- Person seriously injured by falling boat
- Worker's foot amputated in feeder bin trailer
- Two people electrocuted on a rural property
- Worker fatally crushed by skid steer loader
- Automotive mechanic struck by vehicle parts
- Abattoir worker fatally crushed by machinery
- Worker injured by overhead travelling crane
- Worker seriously burned in vehicle gas tank fire
- Audience members injured at horse racing event
- Worker severely injured by agricultural machine
- Worker injured by falling piling rig component
- High pressure water blaster used on asbestos roof
- High-pressure water blaster used on asbestos roof
- Young worker seriously injured by meat slicing machine
- Agricultural industry mobile plant roll-over incidents
- Fatal fall from height while working on air conditioning system
- 2017
- Worker run over by forklift
- Worker killed on cane rail siding
- Worker’s skull fractured by tree branch
- Worker burnt in fuel vapour explosion
- Worker killed by exploding wheel and tyre
- Serious falls from height at the Gold Coast
- Agriculture mobile plant roll-over fatalities
- Worker killed after being pinned by mobile plant
- Worker struck in head by portable hydraulic jack
- Child injured after jumping castle became airborne
- Worker fatally crushed by elevating work platform
- Billboard workers overhead powerlines electric shock
- Serious spine injury for farm worker in 4WD rollover
- Worker fatally crushed while unloading forklift from a trailer
- Two workers seriously burned after contact with high-voltage powerlines
- 2018
- Excavated wall collapse
- Worker crushed by hoist
- Tower crane strikes powerlines
- Worker killed in skylight fall
- Young worker injured by nail gun
- Fall from edge protection system
- Worker fatally crushed by grader
- Worker injured in wall collapse
- Older tourist snorkelling death
- Worker fell through formwork void
- Worker crushed by slewing crane
- Workers injured by glass sheets
- Father and son drown at beach lagoon
- Vehicle stabilisers and outriggers
- Worker struck by reversing forklift
- Fatal fall from boat in marina yard
- Worker burned in pump room explosion
- Driver fatally crushed by own truck
- Worker burned while lighting furnace
- Automotive mechanic run over by vehicle
- Quad bike fatality while back-burning
- Worker killed by pressurised gas hose
- Two workers burnt in chemical explosion
- Worker killed in fall from grain auger
- Worker fatally crushed by prime mover
- Workers fall through second storey floor
- Primary school student hit by golf buggy
- Scaffold collapses onto neighbouring home
- Workers foot amputated in screw conveyor
- Two workers die inside agriculture tanker
- Worker killed by explosion while welding
- Mobile crane rollover onto four lane road
- Workers hand crushed by mobile piling rig
- High pressure water spray on asbestos roof
- Uncontrolled movement of a concrete truck
- Generator fuel explosion in back of truck
- Audience members injured at stunt car event
- Lift motor falls down shaft injuring workers
- Workers burned by arc flash in switchboards
- Operator thrown and killed in bulldozer rollover
- Workers injured when concrete pipe toppled over
- Worker fatally crushed when forklift tipped over
- Worker fatally crushed by hay bale accumulator
- Worker killed in fall from air-conditioning duct
- Worker fatally run over by tractor he was operating
- Amusement ride gondola dropped during maintenance
- Worker severely injured by failed towing equipment
- Worker impaled by starter bar at construction site
- Tower crane load dropped after hoist rope failure
- Worker crushed by falling sheets of balustrading glass
- Worker’s lower leg amputated as forklift strikes bollard
- Teenager electrocuted by overhead powerlines on rural property
- Worker crushed under his own truck while unloading on a slope
- Worker suffers serious crush injuries in concrete pump hopper
- Worker’s arm partially amputated in quad bike collision with mechanical pruner
- Workplace health and safety alerts
- 2023
- 2021
- 2020
- 2019
- SpaceAge winch type sign failures
- Lifting clutch failures
- Crane rope sheave failures
- Tower crane hoist rope and brake failures
- Hazards of using load skates
- Zip line terminations
- Falls from fixed ladders with cages
- Narrow precast wall panel collapse
- Callaghan 37 metre concrete placing booms
- Land-borne inflatable devices becoming airborne
- Elastic spring-back in wear plates on excavator buckets
- 2018
- Sign collapse
- Precast wall panel failure
- High ropes adventure courses
- Vehicle stabilisers and outriggers
- Uncontrolled starting of amusement devices
- Safe support of overhead services - Insert anchors
- Falling objects from personnel and material hoists
- Q fever risks associated with birthing cats and dogs
- Inflatable water balls - electrical equipment near water
- Immediate action required to prevent exposure to silica for engineered stone benchtop workers
- 2017
- Access hatches
- Roof collapse
- Stability of stacked material
- Single hand operated hock cutters
- Impact protection for LPG cylinders
- Guards and discs on angle grinders
- Enriched air nitrox (EANx) compressor systems
- Dingli Australia elevating work platforms safety recall
- Multi-cutters and other discs on power tools and air tools
- Installation of shoring boxes and other trench support systems
- 2016
- 2015
- 2014
- 2013
- Gas Struts
- Truck and trailer ramps
- Patient lifting slings
- Safety of amusement rides
- Industrial rope access safety
- Bi-fold horizontal workshop doors
- Devices for latching open fuel dispensing nozzle at a service station
- Potential for explosion of aluminium alloy oil/water separators fitted to high pressure air compressors
- 2012
- Dive cylinder fill whips
- Non-compliant vehicle stands
- Securing loading ramps for mobile plant
- Mobile cranes with a free fall feature
- Delivery and unloading of pre-cast panels
- Haulotte elevating work platform failure
- Safe systems of work when using vehicle lifting devices
- Maintaining sufficient clearances when lifting or lowering the crane hook or load close to structures
- 2010
- Inflatable water balls
- Vehicle loading cranes
- Capstan winches
- Tractor roll over protective structure limitations
- Guarding on a mast climbing work platform.
- Safe storage and transportation of gas cylinders in vehicles
- Trapdoors and penetration covers in construction
- Working around mobile plant during construction of roadworks and related infrastructure
- 2011
- 2009
- Electrical risks to insulation installers
- Air-conditioner installation
- Concrete pumping pipeline risks
- Pacific Roll Pac 16 tonne multi-tyred roller
- Safe operation of container sidelifters
- Safe loading of elevated work platforms on tilt tray trucks
- Lifting inserts for tilt-up and pre-cast concrete construction
- Risk of being hit by moving parts of an aerial amusement ride
- Safe filling of portable aluminium alloy cylinders
- Fire hazard of static electricity when handling flammable liquids
- Insulation - installing ceiling insulation and your health and safety
- 2008
- 2007
- 2006
- 2005
- Incident alerts
- Newsletters
- eSAFE newsletters
- Subscribe to eNEWS
- eSAFE editions
- February 2025
- Staying safe following the north Queensland weather event
- New criminal offences for intentional wage underpayment
- New regulations for cable cars, gondola rides and amusement device logbooks
- Protecting workers from heat stress
- Rain, mosquitoes, and rising risks: How to protect yourself from Japanese encephalitis
- Mobile plant and traffic management in construction the focus of our next compliance campaign
- Looking for a better way to manage manual tasks? Register your interest in a PErforM session
- December 2024
- Supporting businesses to understand their requirements under the new sexual harassment regulations
- Understanding avian influenza in the workplace: Look. Report. Protect.
- Failure to make scaffolding safe costs company $40,000
- Company fined $250,000 for workplace fatality
- Recognising individual risk factors for heat stress
- Proactive Compliance Program 2024–2027
- Secure construction sites for end of year break
- Queenslanders step up for asbestos safety
- Guiding the way: responding to mental injury at work
- Workers’ compensation information statements
- Protecting your health during storm and flood clean-up
- October 2024
- Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2024
- Spring heatwaves to summer scorchers: Protecting Queensland workers from heat stress
- New regulations for cable cars, gondola rides and amusement device logbooks
- Shaping the future of trade apprenticeships: research into WHS risks and injury prevention
- Crystalline silica training pathways announced for workers
- Safe Work Month ends but workplace safety is a 365 day commitment
- August 2024
- New regulations to control high risk crystalline silica substance activities
- Rural plant Code of Practice 2024 to commence 23 September 2024
- Sugar mill safety Code of Practice 2024 to commence 23 September 2024
- Mobile crane Code of Practice 2024 commences on 23 September 2024
- Managing legionella risks: essential steps for safety in cooling towers and water systems
- Agricultural and wildlife workers encouraged to take extra measures this flu season
- It’s back! Safe Work Month Conference launches
- Work Health and Safety and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2024
- Safety a priority for the diving and snorkelling industry
- Workplace health and safety laws now apply to sex industry workers
- Compliance blitz targets construction industry
- Upcoming asbestos management compliance audits for Queensland businesses
- New workplace sexual harassment regulations in September
- June 2024
- April 2024
- February 2024
- Young worker safety is not as simple as… “She’ll be right, mate”
- Heat stress – know the facts to protect your workers
- Townsville business and director fined over trailer collapse in spray painting booth
- Post storm season clean-up efforts
- New international Artificial Intelligence Standard published
- First network safety meetings for transport and manufacturing in 2024 – Working together to create healthier safer workplaces
- Asbestos safety alert: Water blasting roofs could prove costly
- National ban on engineered stone announced
- Immediate changes to the workplace exposure standard for welding
- December 2023
- Spotlight on snorkelling during peak tourism season
- New code of practice for amusement rides – are you ready?
- New data: 4,400+ young workers seriously injured each year
- Communicating safety - Electrical Safety Office wins international award
- TAFE Queensland offering free online courses for apprentices and trainees
- Stay healthy cleaning up after storms and floods
- Extreme weather and heat stress
- Rise in falls through skylights
- Asbestos audits, outcomes and prosecution update
- Dust hazards in coal fired power stations – new Code of Practice advice
- One stop shop for national WHS prosecution outcomes
- New self-assessment tool for immobilising vehicles – industry audit underway
- October 2023
- Climbing the fatalities ladder: the hard facts nobody wants to read
- Under 16s jumping onto quad bikes? Think again.
- “Do you smell smoke”? Your everyday tech can cause battery fires
- *NEW* Code of Practice for Amusement Rides
- Even better workers' compensation for Queensland
- Gold Coast nightclub faces the music in court
- Do you know your duties in construction?
- Enforceable undertakings: Helping improve worker safety for industry and community
- Heat stressing you out already?
- Health and safety paramount for food delivery services
- August 2023
- Are you prepared? Asbestos compliance audits across Queensland
- Enforceable undertaking to improve safety for the taxidermy industry
- Cleaning business fined for no workers’ compensation insurance
- Audits for safe immobilisation of trucks and buses
- New film highlights risks from faulty electrical equipment
- Have your say – options to improve WHS incident notification
- Managing the risks of working around trees
- Worker prosecuted for failing to disclose pre-existing knee injury
- Worker consultation checklist update
- June 2023
- First progress report – Statewide Strategic Plan for the Safe Management of Asbestos 2022–2025
- Electrical Safety Act: call for industry submissions
- WHS Act update
- Air monitoring for respirable crystalline silica
- New road safety technology on show
- Principles that apply to WHS Duties: New resources for PCBUs
- Worker fined $100,000 and jailed for workers’ comp fraud
- If you’re a food delivery business, you need to read this!
- Excavator operating training for asbestos removal
- New resources available: rehabilitation and return to work guidance
- Managing psychosocial hazards: Low reward and recognition
- Managing psychosocial hazards: Poor environmental conditions
- “It’s likely’’: silent rise in leptospirosis cases in Queensland
- BE the health and wellbeing change you want to see in the world
- April 2023
- Workers remembered on international memorial day
- Workplace audits for new construction silica code of practice
- Risks with extra low voltage solar photovoltaic (PV) systems
- North Queensland Work Well Conference - registrations open
- New report - Analysis of ABS work-related injuries survey data 2021-22
- Managing psychosocial hazards: Bullying
- Managing psychosocial hazards: Low role clarity
- Managing psychosocial hazards: Harassment including sexual harassment
- Win big in the Work Well Awards - submissions opening soon
- Two days of free work safe seminars
- Stevedoring code of practice update
- February 2023
- Unfair workplaces create psychosocial risk
- Controlling silica dust exposure
- Working safely in remote or isolated areas
- Guide to the state government’s ban on compensation claim farming
- Warning: fumigant can create toxic phosphine gas
- Enforceable undertaking to boost sugar industry safety
- Tangalooma resort steering better quad safety
- Stunt actor’s death prompts firearm safety warning
- Notified fatalities report January - June 2022 published
- Safe handling of deceased animals
- Pool operators warned to ensure safety
- Healthy Work Design Forum
- December 2022
- Watch wet roads and give traffic controllers a break these holidays
- Plan now to avoid risk of heat related illness
- Asbestos Awareness Week resources available
- Do the right thing with young workers starting their first jobs
- Consultation, representation and participation: one-stop-shop
- Consultative Committee for Work-related Fatalities and Serious Incident: 2023 advocacy work
- Hazardous chemicals: Are you ready for GHS 7?
- Enhancing workplace mental health outcomes
- Achieving electrical safety with hydrogen equipment
- National work health and safety statistics published
- Work-related Traumatic Injury Fatalities Australia report released
- Manufacturing of materials and products for construction that may contain respirable crystalline silica (RCS) dust
- How can your small business maintain effective relationships when a worker is injured?
- Fifth national survey on sexual harassment in Australian workplaces
- Managing high or low job demand stress
- Comparative performance monitoring report 24th edition
- October 2022
- Farm safety calendar competition winners announced!
- New independent Work Health and Safety Prosecutor appointed
- New workplace coal dust standard commences in Queensland
- Japanese encephalitis virus warning – mosquito protection more important as big wet summer starts
- New resources to help workplace consultation
- Enforceable undertaking to bring $145,000 worth of work health and safety improvements
- Safe immobilisation of vehicles audit campaign
- New film highlights small business success in workplace mental health
- New policy helps employers improve recovery and return to work
- Don’t let work Christmas parties spoil a safe working year
- Shift the conversation and change the future of work
- Mould in the workplace – how to combat health risks
- Asbestos Awareness Week 21–27 November
- New automated guided vehicle technology at Carlton United Breweries
- Transport network forum focus on well-being
- February 2025
- eSAFE Construction
- November 2024
- Construction site safety blitz successful in 2024
- Asbestos campaign monitors compliance
- Secure construction sites for end of year break
- Spring heatwaves to summer scorchers: Protecting Queensland workers from heat stress
- Nominate to join the Consultative Committee for Work-Related Fatalities and Serious Incidents (Consultative Committee)
- Prosecutions
- Preventing tragedy - Safe storage of excavator buckets
- Shaping the future of trade apprenticeships: research into WHS risks and injury prevention
- July 2024
- March 2024
- November 2023
- July 2023
- March 2023
- Silica audit: hundreds of workplace inspections planned
- New silica Code - using control methods in Appendix 4
- On-site traffic management – new guidance
- Business and supervisor fined $55,000 over rooftop plunge
- Heightened focus for inspectors – too many fall from height incidents
- Construction industry stats: the good and the bad news
- Book your free safety advocate visit
- Violence and aggression: how to manage risks
- MATES in Construction offers suicide prevention support
- November 2022
- Identifying silica dust risks and hazards in construction
- Construction workers death highlights overhead powerline risks
- Industry undertaking to benefit workers and sports club
- New guide to manage risks of industrial rope access systems
- Z-fold concrete placing boom safety
- Secure construction sites over Christmas break
- Traffic safety on construction sites
- New conditions for white cards in Queensland
- Statistics highlight scaffolding risks and negligence
- The importance of equipotential bonding for plumbers and pool builders
- November 2024
- eSAFE Electrical
- 2025 Newsletters
- 2024 Newsletters
- December 2024
- Update from the Commissioner for Electrical Safety Keith McKenzie
- Sail safely this summer, look out for overhead powerlines
- Safe charging this Christmas
- Risk of heat stress involves more than just temperature: recognising individual risk factors
- Sparking electrical safety with The Wiggles during 2024
- November 2024
- October 2024
- Spring heatwaves to summer scorchers: Protecting Queensland workers from heat stress
- Update from the Commissioner for Electrical Safety Keith McKenzie
- Ensuring pool safety through proper electrical bonding
- Staying safe this festive season: a guide to Christmas light safety
- Unsafe electrical work results in court fine of $40,000
- Urgent product recalls: Billy Kettle and Ecogenica hot water systems pose electric shock risk
- Are you installing large electrical equipment?
- September 2024
- August 2024
- July 2024
- June 2024
- May 2024
- Queensland’s electrical safety laws to be strengthened
- Are you aware of the risks when working on electrical equipment in restricted spaces?
- Are you restructuring your electrical contracting business?
- Spread the word! 2025 Farm safety calendar competition is now open
- Electrical disciplinary action
- Recall reminder: Plug-into-wall heater
- April 2024
- Workers’ Memorial Day – we look back and remember
- Code of practice for construction and operation of solar farms - remade with no changes
- Mandatory safety breach while working on powerlines
- Understanding QBCC and electrical worker’s licences and advertising
- ACCC recalls hazardous vacuum over fire risks
- Electrical licensing disciplinary action
- An insight into reasons for decisions at an Electrical Licensing Committee Hearing
- March 2024
- February 2024
- January 2024
- December 2024
- 2023 Newsletters
- December 2023
- November 2023
- Are you looking for a rewarding career in electrical safety?
- Protecting electrical apprentices – what you can do now
- Product recall: LG Home Energy Storage System Batteries
- Product advice: Fluke-17XX, and cable replace kits
- Electrical licensing disciplinary action
- Update on the review of Queensland’s Electrical Safety Act discussion paper
- October 2023
- September 2023
- August 2023
- July 2023
- Register now for Electrical Safety Week events
- Are your employees working safely on solar farms?
- Duties of high voltage electrical installation owners and operators
- Electrical licensing disciplinary action – July 2023
- From the Commissioner for Electrical Safety, Keith McKenzie
- Australian residents affected by home asbestos scare. A reminder about houses built before 1990s
- Need help with consumers purchasing electrical appliances online?
- Safe Work Month 2023: Fostering a culture of safety and wellbeing in the workplace
- June 2023
- May 2023
- April 2023
- March 2023
- February 2023
- 2022 Newsletters
- eSAFE Electrical apprentice
- eSAFE Rural
- January 2025
- September 2024
- Rural plant Code of Practice 2024 now in effect
- Sugar mill safety Code of Practice 2024
- Amendments to Electrical safety Codes of Practice
- Supporting mental health in Queensland’s agricultural sector
- National Safe Work Month – Safety a priority when working alone
- Winners of the Farm safety calendar competition
- May 2024
- January 2024
- Protect your workers from summer heat stress
- Cotton gin audits improve safety during record harvest
- Spotlight on Hendra virus: addressing concerns in regional areas
- Get in quick - farm safety calendars in demand
- Pastoral company fined $50,000 for gas exposure
- Take extra care on the tractor in wet conditions
- September 2023
- May 2023
- Closing soon: farm safety calendar competition – win cash for your school!
- Shiver me timbers: working safely in cold conditions
- Spate of serious tractor incidents prompts warning
- On the ground advice in Mareeba and Emerald
- Psychological health in the agricultural industry
- Want to win $1,000? Submissions open for Work Well Awards
- January 2023
- Have your say on safety: Quad bike survey
- Book your free agriculture safety advocate visit now!
- Agriculture WHS figures released by Safe Work Australia
- Agriculture industry picks up major Safe Work Awards
- Taking care of young rural workers and international workers
- Free farm safety calendar offer extended!
- September 2022
- Agribusiness shines in work health and safety awards
- Stay powerline aware this harvest season
- Hendra virus re-emerges after five years
- Know your duties - a tool for working safely
- Four years of support for labour hire workers
- Focus on worker mental health
- Workers crushed to death by vehicles on rural properties
- Another La Nina? Working safely in the wet!
- Update profile confirmation
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- WorkCover Queensland update
- Rehabilitation and Return to Work e-bulletin
- Subscribe to the Rehabilitation and Return to Work e-bulletin
- Rehabilitation and Return to Work e-bulletin - current and past editions
- March 2025
- 2024 e-bulletins
- December 2024
- Show you care for your workers’ wellbeing this holiday season
- New resources! A guide for workers on psychological injury claims and reasonable management action, and Workers’ compensation information statements for workers and employers
- What’s on: Rehabilitation and return to work professional development
- November 2024
- September 2024
- The most impactful action you can take to support an injured worker is also the simplest
- Elevate your expertise in rehabilitation and return to work
- Legislation update: Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024
- Legislation update: Employers must proactively manage sexual harassment and sex or gender-based harassment at work
- What’s on: Rehabilitation and return to work professional development
- July 2024
- May 2024
- Workers’ Memorial Day special edition
- February 2024
- December 2024
- 2023 e-bulletins
- December 2023
- September 2023
- July 2023
- May 2023
- New rehabilitation and return to work guidelines for insurers
- We want to hear from you — complete the survey
- North Queensland Work Well Conference — registrations closing soon!
- Records management for Rehabilitation and return to work coordinators
- Have you, or someone you know, shown outstanding commitment, leadership, or innovation in return to work?
- February 2023
- 2022 e-bulletins
- 2021 e-bulletins
- Unsubscribe confirmation
- Workers’ Compensation Regulatory Services – Scheme update
- eSAFE newsletters
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- Queensland Workers Memorial
- Honour Roll
- Tribute pages
- Lleyton Bartlett
- Anthony Bennett
- Kurt William Budden
- Suzanne Caudell
- Brendon Cory
- Jordan Crocker
- John Erikson
- Michael Formosa
- Jayden Fuller
- Matthew James Fuller
- Jason Jon Garrels
- Robert Douglas Holznagel
- Dale Daniel Kennedy
- Kyah McDonald
- Timothy James McPhee
- Ashley Pengana Paul Morris
- Kurt Murdoch
- Tan Phát Nguyen
- Aaron Pitt
- Paul Rogers
- Ben Smit
- Daniel Springer
- Jason Stevenson
- Whareheera Keepa Te Amo
- Peter Tullett
- Stephen Viner
- Simon Vovard
- Colin Charles Waugh
- Zachary Wilson
- Tribute pages
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- Honour Roll