Health and safety guidance and resources for businesses that offer construction, installation and renovation services or maintain and repair buildings and other structures.
Incident alert
Traffic incident involving motor vehicleIn a tragic incident, a child was fatally injured after being struck by a motor vehicle at a public event.
Incident alert
Worker injured after refrigerator fallIn 2024 a young worker sustained spinal injuries when struck by a refrigerator. The worker was loading a commercial refrigerator onto a trolley when the worker...
Manual tasks in construction
Reducing work-related musculoskeletal disorders and building industry capacity to manage these risks are a priority for Workplace Health and...
Healthy diet and lifestyle
Workers in the construction industry are at a significantly greater risk of health problems than workers in other industries.
Q fever risks and construction work
Q fever is an infectious disease caused by a type of bacteria (Coxiella burnetii) that infects some livestock, companion animals and wildlif...
Work-related violence and aggression in the construction industryWork related violence and aggression in the construction industry
Safe work method statementsA Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) documents a process for identifying and controlling health and safety hazards and risks. PCBU must prepa...
Concrete pumping plant issuesConcrete pumping plant has a high risk level therefore it is extremely important to use plant that is manufactured and maintained to high st...
Project plan template
Safety Leadership Challenge - a blank, basic plan (with milestones) for your leadership challenge project.
Sample guardrail installation checklist
Sample guardrail installation checklist. Guardrail system handover installation checklist.
Sample engineering certification letter for guardrail system
An example letter template for engineering certification of a guardrail system.
Site safety climate survey
As part of the management team's Safety Leadership Challenge, a survey is being conducted about your experiences in the workplace.
Scaffolding code of practice 2021
This code provides practical guidance to persons conducting a business or undertaking on how to comply with their health and safety duties r...
Commencement date: 20 August 2021 -
Formwork code of practice 2016
Practical guidance on how to comply with your health and safety duties when carrying out construction work involving formwork including high...
Commencement date: 31 March 2016 -
Concrete pumping code of practice 2019
This code of practice gives practical advice on how to manage risks when conducting concrete pumping.
Commencement date: 2 December 2019
Form 65 - Notification of licensed asbestos removal work, demolition work or emergency demolitionTo be completed by licensed asbestos removalist at least five calendar days before licensed asbestos removal work commences.
Form 73 - Notification of a manifest quantity workplace (smart form)For use by businesses to comply with Section 348 of the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 (WHS Regulation).
Demolition notifications
Make a demolition notification to Workplace Health and Safety Queensland.
Online plant registration form
An online application for registration of registrable plant in accordance with section 266 (1) of the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011.
Asbestos notifications
Make an asbestos notification to Workplace Health and Safety Queensland.
WorkCover Connect for employers
Manage your claims and policy with our free online service.
Check insurance cover
Check to see if an employer has a current accident insurance policy.
Send or request WorkCover information
The easiest and fastest way you can get information to or from WorkCover Queensland is using our dedicated online services.
Allied Health Services Tables of Costs review for 2025-2026
WorkCover Queensland is commencing our annual review of the Allied Health Services Tables of Costs for the 2025-2026 financial year.
WorkCover partnership helps electricians stay strong
As part of our Injury Risk Reduction Initiatives, WorkCover Queensland has partnered with Master Electricians Australia to help electricians...
Tis the season to be jolly
The holiday season is fast approaching and with it, extended trading hours across the state allowing Queenslanders to avoid the Christmas ru...
Mentally healthy workplaces workshops 2025
Designed for managers and supervisors, you’ll be equipped with foundational skills to identify, assess and manage risks to psychological hea...
Canegrowers - Transport and WHS compliance workshops
Canegrowers is pleased to announce plans for a series of upcoming workshops. These will cover heavy vehicle transport and workplace health a...
Work Well Awards 2023
More than 111 organisations and individuals entered this year’s Work Well Awards, demonstrating their dedication to making Queensland workpl...
Our safety ambassadors share their stories and increase awareness of the importance of mentally healthy workplaces and work health and safet...
Electrical Safety Fortnight 2024
Get involved in Electrical Safety Fortnight 2 – 14 September 2024! For the first time, we're expanding our safety messages across two weeks!...
Case study - People at Work - Holy Cross Services
In this video, Cameron, their Learning and Development Advisor, shares how the program’s tools are helping to identify training gaps, improv...
Back to basics: how to do a risk assessment for psychosocial hazards at work
This session brings us back to basics regarding psychosocial hazards, providing a step-by-step walkthrough of the risk management process in...
Mental Injury Webinar Series: Part Two - The Employer Response
In part two of our mental injury webinar series, guest speaker Dr Mary Wyatt unpacks studies to demonstrate the impact an employer's respons...
Judgement ruled in favour of Plaintiff in PTSD case
The Plaintiff was a 27-year-old former aged care worker, who suffered post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of a sexual assault at work...
Plaintiff alleged the absence of proper training led to inability to assess and mitigate risks
Ritchie James Edward Lowe v Greenmountain Food Processing Pty Ltd [2024] QDC 204. The Plaintiff failed to establish any negligence or insuff...
Principal contractor held to not be liable
The worker brought an action in negligence to recover damages from the defendants in respect of personal injuries he says he sustained whils...
Queensland construction work health forum 2016 podcasts
Audio recordings of the Workplace Health and Safety Queensland hosted the Queensland construction work health forum on 1 March 2016.
Industry case study
Presented by Jason James, director and owner of Express Construction Services Pty Ltd and Todd Dunlop, the project manager at the Grocon Parklands project, the...