Health and safety guidance and resources for federal, state or local government agencies such as Queensland Government departments, fire brigade, police, ambulance or border control services. Or businesses that offer security, correctional or fire protection services.
Public administration and safety
Work Well Awards 2023
More than 111 organisations and individuals entered this year’s Work Well Awards, demonstrating their dedication to making Queensland workpl...
Our safety ambassadors share their stories and increase awareness of the importance of mentally healthy workplaces and work health and safet...
Electrical Safety Fortnight 2024
Get involved in Electrical Safety Fortnight 2 – 14 September 2024! For the first time, we're expanding our safety messages across two weeks!...
Allied Health Services Tables of Costs review for 2025-2026
WorkCover Queensland is commencing our annual review of the Allied Health Services Tables of Costs for the 2025-2026 financial year.
Tis the season to be jolly
The holiday season is fast approaching and with it, extended trading hours across the state allowing Queenslanders to avoid the Christmas ru...
Annual update of Medical Tables of Costs
WorkCover Queensland has reviewed and updated the tables of costs for medical treatment and supplementary services applicable for workers' c...
Mentally healthy workplaces workshops 2025
Designed for managers and supervisors, you’ll be equipped with foundational skills to identify, assess and manage risks to psychological hea...
Canegrowers - Transport and WHS compliance workshops
Canegrowers is pleased to announce plans for a series of upcoming workshops. These will cover heavy vehicle transport and workplace health a...
Workplace health and safety alert
Patrons ejected from amusement rideIn a recent incident involving a Joy Whizzer amusement ride, two patrons received serious injuries when they were ejected after the gondola’s patron restraint a...
Incident alert
Worker seriously injured after being struck by forkliftIn a recent incident, a worker suffered serious injuries after being struck by a forklift carrying a pallet of stock inside a warehouse. Initial enquiries indic...
People handling
People handling is a high-risk activity in the health industry. The best way to manage the risks involves a systematic approach. Find out mo...
Non-potable water
Non-potable water is not suitable for drinking and can cause health problems. Learn how to manage the risks and protect yourself and others.
Events (short-term fuel storage)
Special events are often attended by many people and may be located in densely-populated areas so it is essential to manage risks from hazar...
Traffic management for construction or maintenance work code of practice 2008
Guidance on how to manage the risks posed by traffic to workers and other persons while construction or maintenance work is happening on or ...
Commencement date: 1 September 2008 -
Amusement Devices Code of Practice 2023
This code of practice provides practical guidance on how to manage health and safety risks associated with amusement devices and provides ri...
Commencement date: 1 February 2024 -
Work health and safety consultation, cooperation and coordination Code of Practice 2021 changes
Queensland has now updated the Work health and safety consultation, cooperation and coordination Code of Practice 2021 (PDF, 0.47 MB) to ref...
Commencement date: 1 March 2021
WorkCover Connect for employers
Manage your claims and policy with our free online service.
Check insurance cover
Check to see if an employer has a current accident insurance policy.
Send or request WorkCover information
The easiest and fastest way you can get information to or from WorkCover Queensland is using our dedicated online services.
Hazardous chemical notifications
Make a hazardous chemical notification to Workplace Health and Safety Queensland.
Electrical licence holder search
You can check the status of electrical contractor licence numbers through our online Electrical Licence Search.
Industry comparative calculator
Industry comparative calculator to generate the latest statistics for your industry and across Queensland.
Planning guideline State code 21: Hazardous chemical facilities
A hazardous chemical facility that is new or expanding must comply with State Code 21 and this guide will help you understand and meet the code.
Onsite traffic management project - phase 1 report
Phase one report on the onsite trafffic management project, targeting workplaces that have powered mobile plant or other vehicle traffic present.
Drones enhancing work safety workshop 2018
Drones enhancing safety workshop presentation
Supporting workers with mental injuries
The resources on this page have been designed to help employers better understand and manage work-related mental injuries.
Hazardous chemicals - placard information and manifest quantities
Hazardous chemicals - placard information and manifest quantities
Onsite traffic management self-assessment tool
Use this self-assessment tool to review your existing risk management approach for traffic movement at your workplace. Six pages of prompts and a one page refer...
Heat stress calculator
This assessment tool can be used as a basic guide and/or training tool to help identify and manage risks of heat related illness.
These four statistics-based tools can help you manage your business. They are time-lost claims by year and industry, the industry comparative calculator, the re...
Case study - People at Work - Holy Cross Services
In this video, Cameron, their Learning and Development Advisor, shares how the program’s tools are helping to identify training gaps, improv...
Back to basics: how to do a risk assessment for psychosocial hazards at work
This session brings us back to basics regarding psychosocial hazards, providing a step-by-step walkthrough of the risk management process in...
Mental Injury Webinar Series: Part Two - The Employer Response
In part two of our mental injury webinar series, guest speaker Dr Mary Wyatt unpacks studies to demonstrate the impact an employer's respons...
Judgement ruled in favour of Plaintiff in PTSD case
The Plaintiff was a 27-year-old former aged care worker, who suffered post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of a sexual assault at work...
The home: another place of employment where workplace injuries can occur
Working from home creates an additional place of employment in which the employer must take steps to do what is reasonably practicable to en...
Employer found to have breached duty of care to concrete delivery driver
On 26 July 20218 the Plaintiff, a concrete delivery driver, suffered a left wrist and secondary psychiatric injury.
Form 86 Lead health monitoring report
A form completed before lead risk work to monitor health for each worker.
Form 29 - superceded by Form 17 - Review of decision
Form 29 is superceded by Form 17. Form 17 allows a business or indiviual to apply for an internal review of a decision under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011...
Injured worker authorisation
A form whereby an injured worker authorises the communication of information between their medical provider and employer in relation to their worker's compensat...
Group training record
A sample form to use in recording workers' training
Providing a psychologically safe and positive workplace
Creating a psychologically safe workplace to improve health outcomes and reduce absenteeism and compensation claims.
Navigating psychosocial hazards and factors within the workplace
Tanya Orszulak from the Psychological Health Unit talked to 4BC Radio about Mental Health Week and how to navigate psychosocial hazards and factors within the w...